[ACTION] backdated to Saturday

Sep 20, 2010 22:22

[In the dark of the usually quiet Mayfield nights, an unusual sound can be heard. It sounds like the sound of metal bashing on metal. The noise is loud enough to rouse those near to it from sleep. It rings out again and again, louder and more frequent and soon a voice can be heard mixing with the sound of metal tearing.

If one looks outside, they should be able to see in the light of the street lamps, a man bashing on a mailbox with a wrench. He appears to be in deep conversation with the mailbox, alternating between yelling at it and smashing it with wrench. Other mailboxes down the street are also dented and bent, having clearly met the same fate.]

Why are you here?! What do you want?

[He brings the wrench down on the mailbox once more]

Oh yes, thinking you can hide in this world? Maybe thinking you would team up with Grady and start taking over this world before killing him and having it for yourself? Except you missed one little detail, didn't you? The one small thing that could ruin all your plans. Me.

[The Doctor pauses with his beating and stands to stare at the mailbox, his face alight with arrogance, rage, and hatred. He doesn't look much like the eccentric bloke in the bowtie anymore, but an entirely different man, a dangerous man.]

That's right, Daleks. I'm here and I'm going to stop you. Defeat you like I've done a million times before. Your greatest enemy, your destroyer is here and I'm not going to let you harm anyone here. I will wipe out every stinking Dalek in this town.

[Do you approach him? Yell at him for making such a racket? Toss a shoe at him? Any of those things might get his attention, but it would be best to take caution. He doesn't appear to be in a right state of mind]

back dated, i am the doctor and you are the daaaleks, hallucination plot

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