Pic update...

Oct 10, 2005 12:24

Instead of blabbin on, that, and I'm watchin some TV, I decided to let the pictures do the talking with some captions... afterall, a picture's worth a thousand words, right?

Yes, ANOTHER damn cat! lol. It's actually a male, in the house with 4 other females... good thing he's only 4 months old :-D He's super cute. We'll be getting him nuetered here shortly, don't want pregnant kitties runnin around!

His name's Little Red btw.

I thought this was funny, lol.

I don't think Smokey likes the camera.

Tiod kitty

Smokey doin the Scratch Jig.

Our other kitty, Tiggy!

Tiggy comin over to check out what that flash was all about.

How cute??

Smokey chillin

Starin each other down...

A fight has erupted!

Give her the choker! The CHOKER!

Yet another, our other kitty Baby Bear... she watches safely afar...

Hiiiyyaaa! Punch/kick to the upper chest!

Bash to the side of the cheek... Damn, this is almost as good as WWE...

ANOTHER kitty, Gemini (the one that was in the fight,) not to be mistaken as Baby Bear (there almost identical, hence her name, neither from the same litter though... actually Baby Bear and Tiggy are siblings)

Ok, those be it... actually those pics were taken on me and Heather's new digital camera. The thing is pretty sweet. It's an HP Photosmart R717 6.2 Megapixels capture capability which is pretty insane. We got it up Circuit City... some pretty sweet deals goin on for the whole Columbus Day week thing. Oh, and John Petrucci's solo album finally came on Saturday morning, the fuggin thing ROCKS ass... those of you that might want a copy, lemme know. But I guess I'll save talkin about his new album for another update... too lazy. :p

Actually, I think I just might vegetate sitting in the tub, haven't sat in a bath for a long time, that and its kinda chilly in here, heh...
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