Of Singers And Models [3/3]

Sep 13, 2008 14:53

“Ughh...” David groaned, rubbing his sore head as he lifted himself off the bed into a sitting position.

“So you are finally awake?” A voice rang into his ears as he glanced upwards. He saw Jason Castro, a light pink apron tied against his waist as he held a breakfast tray in his hands.

He put the tray down as he trotted over to the windows, throwing the curtains open, allowing the light to filter through as he smiled widely at the brightness. David cringed as the light flooded the room, his head throbbing.

David looked around, wondering what Jason doing in his house, wearing a pink apron nonetheless, although he doesn’t remember having a pink apron.

“You passed out, drunken man. On top of me, may I mention?” Jason explained, upon seeing David’s confused face. “So I brought to you to my house as I had no clue where you lived.”

David nodded at Jason, recognizing the fact that this wasn’t his house as his head continued to throb.

“The painkillers are in the food tray as well. Help yourself to them,” Jason reminded, a hand on his hip.

David shifted in his position to reach the tray when he noticed his clothing or rather, the lack of. His eyes bulged out at the thought of...

“Yeah, yeah, we had sex. Get over it,” Jason said, waving his hand dismissingly.

David might have been a celebrity but he did have morals and such. He wasn’t fond of one-night stands. He believed in true love. Of course, he couldn’t accept the reason that Jason gave to him. He groaned, second time this morning, putting his head into his hands, displeased.

“Gosh. Why are you so uptight? I was just joking, man,” Jason laughed slightly and nudged David to look at him.

David looked up. Not entirely convinced with what Jason had fed him with. But the moment he looked up and saw the cross that dangled around the boy’s neck, shimmering in morning rays, he understood the boy’s humor.

“Che, stop destroying my appetite,” David replied after swallowing the tablet to numb his headache.

“Psh, I know how badly you want to get into my pants,” Jason joked, laughing as the older man consumed his meal.


David hopped into the cab as it drove away from Jason condo. The rest of the morning had been uneventful. David gathered his night’s clothes, changed into them as he headed out to work from Jason’s and so did Jason.

Before yesterday’s night, the most they knew about each other was that they were rivals in terms of looks and what they did for a living. However, by today morning, Jason was already deciding where the two of them should have dinner tonight.

So, yeah, Jason had convinced him to join him for dinner, saying something along the lines of getting to know each other better.

David could not deny, Jason had a very positive and charming personality. The boy knew how to win over one’s heart. He had David laughing by the time breakfast was finished. It was David’s first few full-hearted laughs since his brother had been diagnosed with cancer.

David remembered how systematic, dull and boring his life had become with a full-blown career and with his brother falling ill, his life had been miserable. However, Jason, despite being a well-known model, still knew how to enjoy life and was down to earth. Not only did he have a beautiful face but a beautiful soul as well.

The cab stopped in front of his workplace as he lethargically made his way to his studio.


His brother sat at his table, spinning in the chair.

“Hey Bro,” he greeted, “Had a good bang last night? Was he good?”

“What the heck are you talking about?” David asked as he shooed his brother out of his seat.

“Oh, come on, you don’t have to pretend. It is all over the papers,” Andrew said as he slammed the paper down onto the table.

‘The hottest two man dating? David Cook and Jason Castro...” David eyed the article.

Below the headline was his and Jason photo as he had pinned Jason to the wall, smirking on top of him, lips almost meeting. David remembered this scene just before he passed out.

“David Cook and Jason Castro spotted at a recent party with Jason Castro being pinned down by sexy David Cook. Reports have said that they have been rumored dating for the few months or so...” Andrew read out loud.

“I knew it! You only went to the party because of Jason. And why haven’t you told me yet that you had the fish trapped in your net long time ago?” Andrew exclaimed, slightly furious.

“Look, Andrew, that is incorrect-” David said but was cut off.

“La-la-la, I am not hearing any of it. Please, David, you have got it bad. I can completely see your love for him written all over you face.” Andrew said, smirking and smug, cutting off David, making him speechless.

“Anyway, see you around, bro!” Andrew  smiled a little, literally skipping out of the room.


“Oh my god, you did not, Castro!” Mandy exclaimed, playfully hitting Jason. Jason shrugged nonchalantly as Mandy skimmed over the papers.

“So you two an item now?” Carly asked, curiosity getting to her.

“Hmmm, probably...” Jason teased.

“Oh, shut up, Jason. Come on, tell me!” Mandy protested, pouting, excited to hear all the juicy details.

“Well, I like him. He is sexy as Mandy had proclaimed earlier. But, really, he is a nice dude and I like him very much,” Jason explained, “But, I am not sure if he likes me back,”

“Oh, he does,” Carly said, “Who can’t like you, sweetiepie?”

“I don’t know but we are having dinner together tonight. He is probably gonna have my head for this article though,” Jason shrugged.


“Where are you off to?” Andrew asked, poking his head into David’s room as David adjusted his tie for the fifth time that night.

“Dinner.” He answered plainly.

“With?” Andrew prompted.

“None of your business.” David said as he scrutinized himself.

“Don’t worry, he wouldn’t mind. Part of me wants to bet that he would turn up in casual clothes tonight,” Andrew said as he got clued in on who David was having dinner with tonight.

“How did you know?” David asked, wondering how Andrew knew that he was going out with Jason.

“Come on. You are dating him,” Andrew said, smugly.

“I am not. It’s just a rumor. Besides, it’s a friendly dinner. A get-to-know-you-better dinner,” David retorted, striding out of the room.


David was directed to his private dining room with Jason who was already there, fiddling with the strands of fibre from his jeans. Andrew was correct; Jason did turn up in casual blue jeans and a full-sleeve button down.

“Why wear so many clothes when most of them are going to come off anyway?” Jason joked as David finally learnt to identify Jason’s crude jokes, brushing them off since he didn’t mean any of them.

“Do I need to mention your lack of sense of style?” David asked, teasing Jason back.

“Psh. You are questioning a model,” Jason said, pretending to be offended.

“A model who turns blind when he chooses his clothes for the night,” David said, smirking. Indeed, he felt happy. Jason was one of the few people he could be blunt and straight-forward with.

Jason simply pouted at him, narrowing his blue eyes slightly. Despite the not wearing classic clothes, Jason looked good in any form.

“Not fun!” He remarked while David continued smirking at him. “Why are you so uptight all the time?”

“Uptight and me?” David laughed.

“Yes. Broody and moody. Frowning and growling. Criticizing me all the time,” Jason complained.

“You are fun to make angry. You look cute like that,” David commented.

“Pfft, whatever. I see you communication skills have improved after our meeting last night,” Jason observed.

“I didn’t want to be there actually,” David explained.

“I could tell,” Jason replied, “Why don’t we start with starters and drinks?”

“Sure.” David answered.


“...and the moment we got to the field, the lightening alert signal was flashing but the moment I turned to look at the signal, it stopped! Oh my gosh, I am so cursed. It had everyone groaning, no one wanted to run a 100 laps,” Jason explained on of his high-school encounters as they were finishing the meal.

David gave a hearty laugh; he swore that he was falling in love. Jason was a very animated guy and definitely brought colors to David’s dull life.

“Say, we should order some desert now?” David suggested.

“Nope. Let’s go out and get ice cream from a nearby road-side stall,” Jason exclaimed, making David amazed at his simplicity.


“Whee~!” Jason said as he interlocked his arms with David and swung a little, giving his strawberry ice-cream a little lick while David merely bit into his ice-cream.

“I don’t see how you do it,” Jason remarked, observing David.

“Do what?” David asked puzzled as the two of trudged along the pathway aimlessly.

“Bite into that stuff. Don’t you get a brain freeze?” Jason questioned as he continued to give small licks to his ice-cream.

“No, I do it all the time,” and just to make his point, David bit into it.

“See, if you don’t finish you ice-cream soon, it would start dripping,” David said as he pointed to the cream rolling down Jason’s hand.

“Ewww. The cone’s all soggy now. I don’t wanna eat that. You have it,” Jason thrust the ice-cream in front of David.

“That’s gross Jason. Throw it away,” David said as he directed Jason towards a nearby dustbin.

Jason literally skipped back to David after disposing his desert. David smiled as the boy ran up to him. The boy had some kind of magic to him.

As soon as Jason came up to David, David leaned down and lick the sides of Jason’s lips where remained some strawberry ice-cream. The younger boy stood there stunned at the older man’s antics. And without resisting, David lips descended onto Jason’s.

David’s lips pressed softly against Jason’s whose hands wound around David’s neck, pushing his head down to deepen the kiss. David grew bolder as his tongue snaked out to lick his lower lip, begging for entrance. Jason parted his lips slightly, a mere length to invite David’s tongue in. His tongue sneaked in, enjoying the taste of strawberry lingering in Jason’s mouth, exploring his mouth as they started to run of out oxygen. Jason finally broke the kiss, panting, a shade of pink dusting his cheeks.

“Erm...” Jason mumbled, staring down at his shoes, sweetly embarrassed.

“Let’s head home now,” David said, almost as if he was unaffected by the kiss.

“Um...sure,” Jason agreed as David took out his phone to call the driver.

“No! Wait!” Jason said in a hurry, holding David’s arm, stopping him from calling.

“I mean, walk me home, David,” Jason mumbled, suddenly feeling shy.

“Walk you home?” David questioned, confused since they had a car which could pick them up instead.

“Yes, I insist. I live just down the road,” Jason pleaded, looking up at David with mesmerizing blue eyes.

“Whatever you say, princess,” David laughed and took Jason’s hand into his as they strolled home together.

“Hey!” Jason protested.


“So, um, see you around Jason. It was a pleasure meeting you,” David as they reached Jason house.

“It was fun as well,” Jason replied as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt a little, “So, er, are we going out like the papers said?” he asked.

“If you want to, then yes, we are,” David said, taking Jason hand into his, pecking his lips.

“Ok then, see you, angel,” David said as he turned around to walk away.

“David! Wait!” Jason yelled causing David to stop in his tracks and turn around.

“Jase?” David questioned.

“Why don’t you crash in for the night?” Jason said motioning towards his door. David smiled and gladly obliged. This was going to be an entertaining relationship.

author: ayusama, fics, fics: au, rating: pg-15

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