Christmas Granola

Dec 12, 2013 17:48

I'm doing a 12 Days of Christmas with Gift Recipes. Homemade gifts are awesome for teachers, neighbors, moms of your kid’s friends, relatives, or really anyone on your list that you want to add that personal touch. I’m going to be featuring 12 easy gift ideas including: soup, pancakes, cookies, bath salts and, obviously, this Christmas Granola Recipe.

My blog: The Realistic Housewife

4 Cups Old Fashioned Oats
1 Cup Honey Crunch Wheat Germ
1 Cup Almonds (seriously, try pistachios if you like them!)
1/2 Stick Butter
2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar (I had to make some with white sugar and molasses)
1 Tablespoon Vanilla
1 Cup Dried Cranberries
1/2 Cup White Chocolate Chips

Preheat oven to 250 degrees
Mix nuts, oats and wheat germ in big bowl
Melt butter on low in small saucepan
Add sugar and dissolve
Take off heat and stir in vanilla
Pour over dry mix and mix
Pour onto parchment papered baking sheet
Bake for 1 hour, stirring occasionally
Remove from oven and let sit
For jar gifts
Add 1/3 Cup of mix to a pint sized mason jar first
Add thin layer of chocolate chips
Add thin layer of dried cranberries
Add thin layer of granola mix
Add thin layer of dried cranberries
Add 1/3 Cup of granola mix to top

Tip: Use a canning funnel to pour in layers
Tip: Swirl jar, keeping the jar on the table between layers to spread each layer evenly

By The Realistic Housewife

dairy: yogurt, fruit: cranberry

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