Today was a day for cooking...

Aug 10, 2011 04:21

So I made a quiche for my weeks lunches (recipe below), and anyone would have thought that would be enough for the day, but not for me of course. I went shopping and picked up some potatoes and kumara, which just called for roast chicken.

I covered the chicken in the damson plum sauce my aunty gave me, and a dribble of raspberry balsamic vinegar, and I stuffed a lemon up its bum. Then I scattered potatoes, kumara slices, an onion, some carrot chunks and a handful of tiny yams around it. I covered it in baking paper as I'm out of tin foil at the moment and let it cook til the vege's were done and the chicken juices ran clear. Then I made a gravy. I took the juices from the pan, added a dash of soy sauce, some flour, a tsp of crushed garlic and some water. It was ridiculously delicious.

I then made an apple crumble. I chopped up one apple into cubes and made a topping of 1/2c flour, 1/4c cinnamon sugar and 1/8c margerine. That went on top of the apple and the whole thing went into the oven for about 40 minutes. I may have made a quick trip across the road for a 60c cone from maccas so that I could have ice cream with it as I forgot to buy some earlier. During the maccas trip I realised that it was my friends birthday, and I didn't have a single thing to give her. So I came home and after I had demolished a rather sizeable amount of chicken and vege I decided to make some brownies. My choccie chips and 70% chocolate seems to have disappeared though so I made a cocoa brownie with some chunks of peanut chocolate in it. I used this recipe, using raspberry essence instead of vanilla and it is GLORIOUS.

All in all, pleasing day. I like being in the kitchen for long amounts of time, not such a fan of the dishes which accumulate with it though haha.

dessert: blondies/brownies, sauce: gravy, method: roasting, meat: chicken, fruit: apple

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