My husband recently discovered recipes for homemade ice cream and we tried it out, making a simple chocolate with a bit of added mint extract, and it came out deliciously creamy and tasting just like storebought (and for far less cost!).
Tonight we're making a mint chocolate chip and a pumpkin (separately). The recipe is a non-egg, non-cooking, non-icecream machine recipe and incredibly simple.
It can be found here Basically, mix these ingredients and freeze in a pan. It's super quick and hopefully, so far super easy to manipulate flavor-wise.
Now, obviously ice cream is calorie dense. But are there any substitutions I can make to get this a -bit- healthier? We don't have an ice cream maker, nor do we have the space or funds to acquire one. And hopefully no-cook as well. Texture isn't a huge deal, though I know the richer the milk source the creamier the end result. I'd love to hear suggestions, both of substitutions and different recipes to try. The internet is generally confusing on this topic, though knowing if an ice cream maker is absolutely required for some of these recipes would also help.