Suggestions on what to make for a picnic?

Feb 26, 2011 19:47

 Since tomorrow is looking like a nice, sunny day, the boyfriend and I were thinking of taking a short road trip and perhaps bringing a picnic lunch. The only thing we've really decided on bringing though are chocolate chip cookies. I have a small loaf of bread in the freezer that I made a while back, so I think I'll defrost that, pop it in the oven to warm, and pack it as well. And maybe make some cupcakes, lmao. (Basically, for Valentine's Day, my boyfriend bought me some cute cooking paraphernalia including cupcake cups and little ceramic casserole dishes that I kind of wanna use.)

For the non-dessert food part... Tonight, I roasted a whole chicken and am now in the process of making stock from the bones to make soup later. But it seems kind of weird to have chicken soup+cupcakes for some reason. In addition, I have some leftover white meat (in addition to the dark that will go in the soup), so maybe sandwiches...? Or something?

I don't know, you guys. I'm really stuck on what to take. I'd really like something a little more than just dry sandwiches and the like, but I'd also like it to be practical for packing and taking on the road. Any ideas?

It looks like the high tomorrow will be in the mid-50's, so something warm might be good. TIA.  

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