Cookie-Geddon 2010: The Results!

Dec 20, 2010 12:37

Cookie Plate #1

Top: Gingerbread
Bottom Left: Butter/Rum Spritz
Bottom Middle: Almond Spritz
Bottom Left: Lemon Spritz

Cookie Plate #2

Left: Santa's Whiskers
Right: Jam Shortbreads (Lemon, Raspberry, Apricot, and Black Cherry)

Baked, but not shown:
Fruitcake Cookies (came out so-so, won't repeat)
Anzac Biscuits (not shown due to being wiped out by serious nom nom noms, triple batch and all)
Sugar Cookies (taken home and/or nom'd)
Ranger Cookies (taken home and/or nom'd)
Mexican Wedding Cookies (taken home and/or nom'd)
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