Simple and easy step by step onigiri?

Dec 20, 2010 13:03

I have found some online recipes, but I'm a bit leery of tryign them as I don't have the um... the shape-thingies you put the rice in, and while I keep reading you can make them by hand, I sincerely can't imagine how D:

Would anyone be as kind as to give me some pointers for this? Or better yet, do you know any good logs with videos or step-by-step pictures?

Also: A friend once told me the secret was getting the rice at the right level of stickiness. I know you need to buy a special kind of rice and wait a special amount of time with a special amount of water. and add the furikake at a special time.. directions, please?

Also, we'll likely make it with tuna inside. For a low budget, got any other nice ideas for stuffing?

ps, and totally random: is it tangerine season over there yet? I have a nice recipe for a quick cake thingy and wanted to share, but was waiting for the right season XD

help: cooking method, help: how to, grains: rice, cuisine: japanese

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