chickpeas and other CSA surprises.

Aug 10, 2010 15:57

Recently, I received some garbanzo beans in my CSA box (we signed up for a weekly one last month), and after stripping the pods and shelling the seeds, what seemed like a large bundle of produce has now been reduced to about half a cup of of chickpeas. Now I've never worked with chickpeas (a.k.a garbanzo beans) before in any form, and while I've been Googling around for recipes, I'm uncertain as to whether they imply fresh or canned peas, and whether I should prep the peas beforehand (soak them? roast them?). At the moment, I'm leaning towards roasting them in the oven (and seasoning them afterward) to eat as a snack or maybe making a garlic hummus? I don't need specific recipes (though I wouldn't mind them!), but any hints or suggestions as to their preparation would be greatly appreciated.

Other things in the CSA box that I could use ideas for are yellow tomatoes, amaranth greens, Citrone cucumbers, and white zucchini. (It's a "gourmet" selection box.) Part of the problem is that while I like to cook, I'm not too fond of vegetables, so any recipes that incorporate them into larger dishes would be awesome. We also have received an abundance of fresh tea leaves in the last four boxes we've gotten, and while the boyfriend likes tea, he doesn't drink it nearly enough to use it all up. Does anyone know how to dry and properly store them for future use?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!

vegetables: all, legumes, vegetable: zucchini, legume: chickpea, vegetable: tomato

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