no refrigeration for FIVE DAYS??!?

Apr 29, 2010 11:56

i'll be tent camping with creature comforts in September, and i'm slowly getting ready for the event. it's taking place in a campground with electricity and running water in cabins (all tent campers have cabin access), and food will be provided.

this is great, except half the food they serve made me sick last year. i have since learned that i have some dietary restrictions, and i didn't realize there would be minimal options (basically, eat this crap or that crap, or eat peanut butter on toast). i'm wondering what would be good ideas for food that doesn't need refrigeration, can be prepared in advance (or nuked), and is homemade. healthy food is ideal, but i recognize it might not be doable for all meals.

things i cannot have: potatoes, overly sugary things, nuts, or things high in sodium (this one, especially, as one cup of ramen will put me in pain worthy of an ER visit). can't do hummus, either...not sure why on that one, still figuring it out.

i will have a microwave available to me, and not much else - camp stoves are banned, else i'd be bringing our JetBoil. i will have a small cooler, and ice as long as they don't run out, so i can risk keeping some things in the cooler. i think this would be mostly for things i'd eat the first 2 days, in case i run out of ice. i fully intend to bring vegetables from my garden and seasonal fruits, so they'll serve as snacks, but i'm looking for something substantial for full meals. breakfasts i'll have covered.

at this point, i'm thinking of bringing quinoa. i know there are methods of cooking it in a microwave, so it seems somewhat ideal for my situation. once its cooked, will it go bad quickly like rice if i cannot refrigerate it? i know it's mega-healthy and should be nice for a meal with some of the veggies i'll be bringing along.

beyond that, i'm stumped. what would you do?

*ETA* you folks are awesome. seriously. thanks for all your advice. i'm going to work on trying things out, to see what will work and what won't, and i'll take your advice to heart.

help: travel, diet: all

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