Big Damn Chefs - The International Browncoat Charity Cookbook

Jan 10, 2007 19:27

So, the cookbook sales go along. Not as quickly, now, as I'd like. The Christmas season was good, and when folks got their first paycheck in January there was another rush. But now they're just trickling in. I'm hoping that there will be *another* rush mid-month, when another paycheck comes in. :)

The goal: to send at least $1000 of Big Damn Chefs cookbook proceeds to Freedom From Hunger.
To do that, we need to sell about 330 copies.

So far: 179 copies.

PS: as an incentive, we've got a coupon code you can use to get $5 off products over twenty dollars! So if you order a copy of Big Damn Chefs, you can also go into the products area (where the mousepads, coasters, etc are) and select something there... for instance, a coaster for $4.50, to bring your $19.95 order to a total of $24.45 (or more - who doesn't want a Big Damn Chefs BBQ Apron, after all?) and be able to use the coupon. :) The BDC products are at this link. If you'd already ordered something, I believe you can also update your orders at CafePress.

The coupon code is: BEAUSRADARS

info: cookbook

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