
Oct 11, 2007 15:34

I havent updated in forever, because i dont have the internet at home so am having to use university computers to go online etc...but i will try and catch up with your entries as soon as i get some time.

Quick update...

Moved up to leeds
Started my MRes research degree in Biodiversity and Conservation
House is a shit hole but its 10 minutes from uni so dont really care too much
Am currently up to my neck in work which will probably continue for a year, in the next two weeks along i have to write a 3000 word research essay, Research and design a nature reserve with a presentation and a computer model, Field trip and practical report on community dynamics, prepare a stats tutorial, GIS practical and complete intial plans for my field work....so yeah busy :/

Thinking of moving back into animal behaviour and pooosssibly going to trinidad in May to study fish behaviour and predation, but i really wanna do some work with bats so who knows.

Got to ring my first bird a couple of weeks ago which was amazing, he was a blue tit and bit me though, but he was very handsome and pretty all the same.

Oh yeah and i went to two misfits shows and hung out with them backstage at both, dont ask me how that happened because i have no idea, it was very random, but cool.

Last thursday i went to nottingham to see caliban which was awesome but sucked because i was in immense amounts of pain, my body if fucking up again for some reason so had to leave early.

Anyways, thats basically what ive been up to. Hope everyones well xxx
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