May 29, 2006 01:37
I wish people could see inside me sometimes, just so that they could know what was going on, theyd know what i was thinking, and what was in my heart. Cause i dont even think i know somtimes.
Sometimes we make mistakes, we do things w/ out really thinking about the consequences of our actions. Things like this are always gonna happen no matter how careful you try to be, somtimes u just dont think. Ive learned that you cant change the past, but you just have to learn to live w/ it, learn from it, try not to make the same mistakes again, even though sometimes you will. Somtimes you hurt people you care about and you dont even know it until its to late to do ne thing about it. I havnt really been myself since sarah and i broke up, ive done and said a lot of things since then that i wouldnt have normally done. There for a while i was getting angry a lil to easy, not around my friends or ne thing, i dont really think ne1 noticed to be honest with you, save for maybe my parents, but still i didnt like how i felt. I think things are starting to get better though, I dont think about her as much ne more. Still hurts when i think about her though, or when she messages me on aim, she might mean well but i just cared about her so much...and when she talks to me it just brings back all those feelings i had. But i am getting better though, maybe i can actually feel for some1 else now...i dunno. Feels like latley ive been a lil cold hearted.
E.E. Cummings said it best
"To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best night and day, to make you everybody else; means to fight the heardest battle, which any human being can fight...and never stop fighting."