For Landofart's challenges: Last Year's Highlights (12 Riverdale icons from the pilot episode) and Tic Tac Toe (Life Sentence icon, sigtag and picspam, all from the pilot episode). Thought I'd post them here in case anyone wanted to snag an icon :)
dreamsofspike asked for some Kurt and Klaine icons, so here they are :-) Hope you like! Almost all are from season 4, so there are spoilers up to 4x10. Comment and credit if taking please :-) Customized icons are at the bottom.
At landofart the Christmas-themed challenges continue well into January, so I've just finished these icons for Challenge 11: 'A Christmas Inspiration', and thought I'd share them here. There are 24 icons inspired by Prompt No.8: Cake (plus a few sigtags). Feel free to snag some in advance for next year :D