I'M BACK!!!!

Jan 09, 2007 03:34

oh yeah!! this feels so nice to be writing my feelings out again. i'm so excited. but where to begin?

i guess i'll go with recent happenings in my life.

my knee is in terrible pain when i run, so i can't run. i'm ellipticalling. (kinda glide walking) and i'm doing physical therapy which reminds me i haven't done my exercises tonight. that isn't good. maybe i'll do them tomorrow before i go.
my boyfriend and i have looked at engagement rings and he will ask me sometime after i graduate b/c i told him to wait till then
i miss my senior girls. all of them. so much. their guidance was incredible and it's so hard to try and keep it up on my own
i've come closer to GOD and i'm really excited about adoration. i really want to start going to it. it's so nice. all you do is go in and pray. it's completely quiet. just time with you and GOD in HIS presence.
i was at a lock in at the catholic church and we stayed up until 6 AM but did some really fun stuff like games and also adoration and the rosary by lighting candles. it was so peaceful and i really did feel HIS presence there. it was so inspiring. such a relief after being so busy all first semester. i can finally go to DTS!!! since i have time on wednesdays
jen lynne is sleeping over on a school night. in fact she's already asleep. i guess that's important on a school night. we did brit lit cooking from 8 to 10 and then homework till 12:30 ish.
i finished my jean blankets!!! now i just need to find a date, SOON, for the girls to come over. jen and molly and megan and kaitlyn and maria and emily. my bestests. the girls i've clung to through the years. and have always been there for me. and i'll always be there for them.
you know i'm really not very tired and i should be.
it's a new year. 2007. the year i gradeate. i have lots of pictures which i need to post on facebook
i got a digital camera for xmas from nick and his parents. and he gave me an ipod shuffle for my bday
i'm currently knitting a blanket which will take prolly over a year to complete, if my hands don't die before then. this blanket will have a cross purled into the center. i did all the measurements and i really hope it turns out right. i don't plan on starting again a third time.
i'm frustrated with people just up and leaving the catholic faith. it bothers me seriously. and i'm currently frustrated with other churches and the so-called feel good faiths. and i don't like being attacked for my religion. i'll probably rant and rage about that later.
i'm going to moline this weekend with mi madre y possible brother b/c my gma j is having heart surgery.
nick is in colorado snowboarding and visiting family. he wasn't here for our 1 and 1/2 year. kinda sad. all i kept thinking about all day was him. and how i should be spending the day with him and not sitting at home in my pj's. plus he'll get back friday at 5 or 6 and i leave friday at 3:30! so once again separated. but maybe i'll see him monday night. i hope. that is if grandma's surgery goes well. but even then i'll have to take a bus back or something cause there is no way i can miss the first day of track practice AND a physical therapy appt. but she's my grandma. GGGGAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! that is my frustration.
i ran an 18:51 for my 3 miles at state xcl!!!! BOOO YAH!!! and now could be out half a season. okay that's exaggerating. maybe 1/4 a season. okay 3 weeks. or more... :( boo
random thought: i hope jen is okay on the couch she just fell asleep there and it's impossible to wake her up to get her on a real bed to sleep.
oh yeah, kling is working on getting her masters which i perfectly understand. it's something she needs to do for herself and i still love her and talk to her all the time. but...we have no asst. coach. so far and track is 8 days away. great. so far we will have to do morning workouts!! not just long runs. so Bonnie can see us in action (crap) and we won't get to go to JJK (major crap. the only overnight canceled!!) this is such crap. we are one of the BEST teams in the STATE!!!!!!!! why can't we find a stinking asst. coach!!! i'll tell you why. the stupid administration of the HS can't figure out how to post job openings!!!!! only postive thing is we might get to do an overnight after the Palatine relays!!! in CHICAGO!!!! that means we would run a meet friday night, get on the bus at 4:30 AM!!! and then run another meet in CHICAGO!!! and then get to PARTY in a hotel the night after that!!!! so everyone could have a great time!!!! after we are all super tired from so much running. :)
oh and i got accepted at the u of i in civil engineering which only happens to be numero uno in the COUNTRY at the moment. even more depressing since i'd have no support from my parents and i am not a fan of huge debt especially if i plan on getting hitched next summer. wow that sounded super red neckish. and when i could go to parkland for free and my parents would buy me a car if i lived at home... blah blah blah. i don't want to live at home, but i don't have the mula to move out either. and if i'm trying to save money for marriage. AND Bonnie wants me to help asst coach xc next year if i go to parkland and i could get a very nice job at the bank. but i just don't want to be called at midnight and asked if i'm coming home. i want to be free from that. i want to be able to spend the night at nick's apartment and not have my parents know. (and just FYI no sex is included in that) i just want my freedom. and i guess i could give up one more year of it. but then again. i don't want to be limited by my future. i want to do what i want to do, but what is it i want? WHAT DO I WANT? i don't know. and i've asked myself this on my long runs. i can't say i've prayed, but i should. i should run with the rosary sometime. that would be calming i think.
i really wish i could skip the whole college deal and go straight to a job and being married. that would be nice. too bad 4 and a half to five years stand in the way of that.

well i ought to go to bed. but i don't know. an all nighter sounds nice right now. :) hehe.

sarah ann
ughh. i really despise my middle name... i wish it was bridget or something. oh yeah!!! Sisterhood 4 comes out soon!!! YAY!!!
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