ficlet: close [lotrips]

May 08, 2003 16:32

TITLE: Close (1/1)
AUTHOR: Jenwyn (thejennabides)
PAIRING: Elijah/Billy
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Made up. Not real. Never happened. Not implying anything. Fiction.
NOTE: Written in 72 minutes for the contrelamontre three senses challenge.
DEDICATION: for mcee and ella_minnow

Elijah closes his eyes, and it looks exactly the same: Dark, but not dark enough. Even in the darker dark behind his closed lids, Elijah can still see him. Close. So close. Right there, close enough to touch, almost.

He rolls himself away, facing the wall rather than the other bed. Bunches the pillow, sandwiches it between folded fists, rests his head. Tucks his knees up to his chest. Curls himself close, and he’s still not close enough, still not closed enough, it’s still not dark enough.

Elijah gets out of bed, bangs his knee into a chair, bends slightly to rub it. "Billy?" Elijah straightens up. "Billy? Can I sleep with you?"

With a sleep-muted grunt, Billy makes room and Elijah slips under the covers. He watches Billy in the dark, close enough to see Billy's closed eyes. Elijah inches closer: Close enough to hear Billy's breath, not close enough to feel it.

Wide-eyed, Elijah snuggles down into Billy's bed. Warm, but not as warm as Billy's breath, which Elijah can’t feel just now. Billy's breathing starts to slow, drowned out by the rustling covers as Billy's arm drapes across him; and Billy's skin is warmer than his bed, as warm as his breath, and Elijah's own breath quickens.

"Billy?" Elijah whispers again. "Would it ruin everything if I asked to kiss you?"


billy, lij

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