Enough For Now (LOTRips) EW/DM, PG

Apr 19, 2003 13:01

Title: Enough For Now
Author: dorrie6
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Pairing: Elijah Wood/Dominic Monaghan
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: It’s just a fantasy. It’s not the real thing.
Summary: Sometimes Elijah wakes up for a moment. Written for the contrelamontre quick!fic challenge, where the main action of the story must take place in 5 minutes or less. “Action” is a strong word for what happens in this story, but it takes place in about 30 seconds. Written in 35 minutes.

Sometimes Elijah wakes up for a moment. Cup of coffee in the right hand, frozen on its way to the lips... long Venetian blinds on tall windows blowing into the room ever so slightly, too heavy to be moved much by the breeze. He isn't even sure why he has closed them, so much light gets through anyway. Their quiet *clack* against the sill is the only sound in the room. What room, he isn't sure of, as he struggles to remember where he is and why. Room. Somewhere. Has tall windows. That's good enough for now.

It's always been a struggle to remember where he is when Dom isn't with him. Alone, he seems to move about in a daydream, with reality poking through only in these small moments. Room. Somewhere. Has tall windows. He knows that he has been living... walking, breathing, talking to people, even filming something-or-other, but the memories of those things seem to fade almost as soon as they have happened, and he lets the daydream take him at every opportunity. People have often commented on his ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, but what they don't seem to notice is that he can dream all the time... asleep or not. Sometimes he thinks the sleeping is actually the break from the dream. He never remembers what he dreams when he's asleep.

Awake, though... awake is another story. He remembers all of that... long discussions between himself and... well himself, fantastic journeys, future heroism... but nowadays, and for the past few years really, mostly just Dom. The way Dom's toes curl when he sits on the couch. Dom's hands, covered in faded pen markings, big knuckles on long fingers, twice the length of Elijah's it always seems. His hand enclosed in Dom's... safe inside warm, rough palms. Dom's hair as he crawls out of bed, when Elijah thinks he is the most adorable thing he's ever seen. The shape of Dom's face in the dark. Dom's voice, soft in his ear, "Liebst du mich, Elijah?" Elijah answering the question with hands and lips and eyes and being rewarded with a blissful groan and a crooked smile that grows slowly into a wicked grin.

Elijah tries to remember what the daydream used to be... before New Zealand, before Dom. It comes to him in pieces, like bits of an old movie he knows he's seen but can't quite remember the plot of... Elijah of the Jungle, Elijah the Terminator, Elijah in Space (okay that one still pops up every now and then)... things that seemed like the ultimate fantasies at the time, but somehow can't come close to the new reality that is Elijah in Love.

That's what is really different... the new fantasy is reality. When did that happen? Actually, he knows when... he can remember clearly the day in New Zealand when he suddenly realized that he was awake, really awake, not dreaming or fantasizing but really there, in the present, living, making a movie, loving and being loved, and that if he really thought about it he'd been doing that for months. The daydream had left, and he hadn't even noticed. The daydream had left, and he hadn't missed it at all.

Now, alone on a movie shoot, in a room somewhere with tall windows, it has returned as needed. Here, the reality of Elijah in Love has become the fantasy as well, and so the coffee begins to cool in its cup, the blinds stay closed, clacking against the sill, and the silence goes unnoticed as Elijah lets the daydream take him once again.

dom, lij

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