Fic: Do Two Rights Make a Wrong?, dm/bb, dm/bb/ew, pg-13, lotr rps

Apr 19, 2003 07:17

Title: Do Two Rights Make a Wrong?
Author: Kia
Pairing: Dominic Monaghan/Billy Boyd, Dominic/Billy/Elijah Wood
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Lotr RPS
Disclaimer: None of it is true.
Summary: Messages, indecision, rights and wrongs.
Notes: I wrote this in the update window, and did look it over before posting, but please excuse any errors that I missed in my laziness. Written in about fifteen minutes for the contrelamontre quick!fic challenge.


Message left on Dom’s voice mail at 7:05pm

Hey, Dom. I just got off the set and just got your message. Sorry about that. I hope everything's all right…you didn’t sound so good, man. I’m going home to shower and change, and if I don’t hear from you before eight, I’ll just stop by. But call me as soon as you get this, okay?


Message left on Dom’s voice mail at 7:37pm

Hi. I guess you’re busy or...something. I was thinking about what you said earlier, and my reaction…and you’re right, Dom. I hope you get this message soon, because I don’t want you to think I meant those things. I didn’t. I was just... as I said, with the three of us it was just a… a thing. I still don’t know what to call it, but you’re right… when it’s just the two of us, Dom, something is there, and I was wrong to say what I said…and well, damn it, I can’t just say this on the phone.



His hands drop from his face when he hears the knock, and Dom can still feel the pattern of where his fingers were pressed. The rest of his body is slow to respond, his frown slackened and a smile materialising, before he’s off the sofa and sprinting for the door. When he opens the door, only a shadow of the smile remains and he can feel even that wavering because he doesn’t want to go through with it again. He doesn’t need to hear it again--that his timing is shot to hell, that he’s ‘royally’ fucking things up for them. “Billy?”

“Here I am.” Billy’s arms rise briefly from where they dangled at his sides before falling and slapping against his jeans.

“Yeah?” Dom doesn’t move from the doorway. The sooner he hears what Billy has to add to his earlier tirade, the sooner Dom can go back to being miserable and depressed and alone.

“I meant what I said, Dom.”

Dom nods, wondering if Elijah will do the same thing and if his luck can get any worse--both of them showing up to tell him how wrong he is again, as if he doesn’t feel awful enough, regretful enough. “Look, just say it. I don’t fucking need this right now.”

“I suppose I deserve that,” says Billy, stepping into the doorway. “You probably want to make this difficult for me...but-”

“But what?” Dom thinks he’s having a delayed reaction, and it’s an extremely long delay. Because no matter how much he wanted this intimacy earlier, Dom should be moving away. He shouldn’t let Billy get so close, shouldn’t let Billy press against him, because it’s too late for that…isn’t it? And before Dom can ask aloud, Billy is kissing him and touching him like he’s only kissed and touched him when Elijah was also touching him, or kissing him, or fucking him. But Elijah isn’t here, and it feels wrong, just like Billy and Elijah told him it was, when Dom was so sure that it was right--that it would feel right, like it does feel. Only it’s... “Billy,” Dom says, pulling away, but not too far. “Uh.”

“Didn’t you get my message?”

“Your message,” Dom says, then wraps his arms around Billy instead of answering, because explaining why he didn’t get the message would mean explaining why his mobile is on the kitchen floor and possibly no longer working from being smashed against the refrigerator door after…

“Doesn’t matter,” Billy says, his nose pressed to Dom’s cheek. “Whether you got it or not, you were right.”

“I was right.” Dom knows that Billy deserves to hear the truth, but then it’s more crucial to feel Billy’s lips again. He applies the same reasoning as before, figures that no one gets hurt this way, and he thinks he may not have such bad timing after all; disaster averted, even though Elijah still thinks Dom is wrong.

And when he hears the distorted ring tone behind him, then Billy mumbling, “Don’t answer that,” against his lips, Dom doesn’t.


Message left on Dom’s voice mail at 8:18pm

I guess you left right after I did. Unless you’re there and just not answering. I should probably turn around and just wait there until you back. Or until you answer the door if you're there. I think I’ll do that. But I can’t blame you if you don’t want to talk to me. I’m sorry for acting the way I was just so out of the blue, you know? You’d think I wouldn’t be so freaked out by it after what the three of us have done, but...I’ve been thinking for the last half hour, Dom… and hell, yeah, I mean just because the three of us aren’t screwing around anymore doesn’t mean that you and I can’ know. What I’m trying to say're right, Dom.

The End.

dom, billy, lij

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