Jul 13, 2007 09:09
Es fand gestern und vor gestern, den Intergrationsgipfel in Berlin statt. Ich finde so was schon gut und wichtig.
N°1 - dass 600 stunden Deutsch ist nicht genug (also, wer kann eine Sprache in 600 stunden lerned ?!) und Merkelchen will es zu 900 Stunden erhöhen. aber, erlich gesagt, wer kann eine Sprache in 900 Stunden lernen ?
N°2 - dass manche Leute, die von der Lände Mann ein Visum für Deutschland braucht (z.B. der Türkei) muss ein Deutsch kentniss haben vor sie nach Deutschland kommen. Die Türke sind jetzt stinker sauer... aber, komm. wenn mann hier leben will, mann muss die Sprache lernen. ich bin 100 pro dafür. Ich bin hier gekommen, ich hab dann mühe gegeben, ich hab die sprache gelernt, das ist pflicht !
In the 'intergration-summet' in Berlin, there was a 200 page report produced. The biggest issue here was the learning of the language.
For the people from countries that need a visa for Germany, they need to have a basic understanding of the german language before they come to this country. The people from Japan, Australia, NewZealand, EuroLand and Ami-Land, don't need to learn anything before they come. I can kind of understand, thus, the irritation (ha!) of the Turkisch people. but if they're going to stay here, it's something they just need to do. if they don't want to learn the language, and integrate into this society, they can stay in Anatolyia. Hammerhart.
What i find good, is that there is a differentiation between those how have an education, those who have learnt foreign languages, and those who are illiterate. it's simply crazy to put an illiterate man from the hills of Afghanistan in the same class as an educated,professional woman from one of the biggest cities in the world. because different people need different support.
but i think the most important is to aim to become a part of the society. this is the problem in Sydney, and Berlin, too, where the city and the suburbs are so extreme. Ghetto culture. in Auburn, is little Arabia. In Leichthart, little Italy. Ashfield,
The people simply don't want to integrate into the society. the same here, there are of course people who simply don't want to be a part of German society. naturally, it's important to remember and celebrate your heritage, where you come from, your roots. But - and this is the most important - you also have to accept that you arn't in the country of your birth. somethings are done differently.
Germany, like Australia, is a very accepting country. the people are open to different things. there are no laws against woman wearing burka or sari, or men wearing turbans. there are no laws against what you can and can't say, or eat or do... people are free to live a peaceful and harmonious life... somepeople just don't want this...