Aug 13, 2008 01:38
Many days have gone by.
The quest for a Bridge entry per day has dissapeared.
Somewhere in the mist it wallows. Where it belongs, with the Gorillas.
So much has happened in the past week. If you were to load a truck with all that has happened - it would be full. That's not a lie. If you want to try it, go out and rent a truck. While you can't pack it with experiences that aren't your own - imagine you are.
Once you are done imaginging. You can read the rest of this. Or you don't have to. Maybe you're tired from all that loading and unloading.
That's what happens when you take a challange. Bitch.
You aren't really a bitch. So don't take offense to that. If you really were a bitch, people wouldn't like you as much. And obviously people like you, because you're online right now - reading. Which only likable people do. So yeah. There you go.
Anyway, Bridge has been uber duber exciting.
Things have happened. Pictures have been taken. Lectures have been given. Babies, however, have not been made. Which really isn't a part of college. If it were, it would be taught at "LaShaunda U, Home of the "Uuuuh Nuuuuh Girl".
Things have happened after class each day. On Wednesday of last week, I decided to travel home to get some good ol' rest. Rest that didn't involve sleeping in water at night. And by water, sweat is meant. And by sweat, human waste that seeps from your body is meant. And by human wase that seeps from your body, shit is meant.
So, I didn't have to sleep in shit for one full night. On Wednesday, some interesting news also came my way. But that's a whole 'other story.
On Thursday, absolutely nothing eventful happened. This was very saddening. So saddening I cried. Cried for hours on end. However, none of these tears actually came out of my body or were ever consciencely made.
A new episode of American Mcgee's Grimm was released on Thursday. And if you haven't played it yet - you can so just dissapear. You might as well just vanish. Nobody wants you. If an invisibilty cloak was real - you should wear it to hide your face. Your face that is blind to fun. Let it remain blind to the world.
Anyway, at first - the plan for Thursday was to stay on campus and go to the Children's Museum for free. The Children's Museum is the best in nation. So ya'll other cities can take yo' trash and just shove it. Nobody want ya'll children exhibits. Ya'll don't even know how to run it. Ya'll stupid.
If you've never been before, the Children's Museum lets you act like you're an amazing kid who has all the greatest jobs. For one minute you can be an Archeoligist, and in the next minute you can run a telivision show. The advancement of jobs is very realistic to the real world. Many Archeoligist and Bridge builders have become succesful newscasters. Both jobs are equaly as excitable as the last.
In the end though, I didn't go. I tried to sleep. But that didn't work, cause God was like, "NO STOP IT NOW". So, I called my dad and went home for the weekend.
After coming back on Monday, the day was easy. We had to do a Powerpoint presentation - which is obviously a very hard transition into college. Cause, I mean, no high school uses powerpoint. It was the most difficult day of my life. If college is this hard, I am so QUITTING.
Afterwards, hung out with some peeps. We dug the town. We drove the streets. We danced. We partied. We romanced. All of these things at once.
Today was no different - we gave oral presentations. And that was very hot. I almost died from how amazing of a job everyone did. I didn't expect them to do so good using the HORRIBLE POWERPOINT PROGRAM.
Anyway, that's about it so far. It's way to late to write.
You should go to bed.