Jun 07, 2007 23:59
I'm starting my first day in Barry Johnston's studio tomorrow. Two other "apprentices" and I are to be taken under his wing during the summer. A few hours ago, I was initiated into the Renaissance-style internship as we read and discussed a book which examined the gospel of Matthew from a philosophical standpoint. I don't know very much about the Bible, but the material was fascinating and I was happy just to be able to soak in some wisdom. The two guys, Matthew and Patrick, who have already started working with Barry seem brilliant and are a several years older than me, so i'll probably learn a lot from them, too.
I know I told myself that this summer I would finally relax before I went off to college, but this opportunity is too incredible. I've realized that wasting away my summer in laziness will only make me feel like a slob. I don't want any rest. I don't even really want to party anymore. I want to gain as much knowledge as possible from this dude. I'm going to devote myself to this fully and get as much out this eperience as I can.