Feb 04, 2008 22:01
oh no......hungry childrens song has just come up on my iTunes......this is the first time kgb has played on my computer in a while and it's surreal.
i had another dream that i had to go back to rostrevor. again. this time time, it was to do my honours year in composition. it must be this time of year, that my subconcious is dreading the return to high school.....which hasn't happened in three years. oh dear.
i also hate having to begin guest lists for 21st. because the only way i can get through it and cut it down, is by having to RANK my friends, which is aweful...
and not having any shifts sux, and is actually bad, because it means no money.
rant over.
on a positive note, i've booked my flights for sydney for my interships at trackdown studios! *squee*
but unlike vong, i have to pay for it myself :P
*is still excited*