Hello and welcome to chapter 1.5.I am finally back from my holidays,so I can continue writing.Did you miss the Constanns?Because I did lol
Hey Paul!Whats up?
"Jona!Wook my brick!"
Are you trying to say my name?Well,I am Jo-an-na.Not Jona.
Whatever -.-
Paul:"Me wants daddy!"
Ping: "Oh come on Paul!Just respect that I can touch you."
Ping!Its not that bad!He's a litle cute boy.Behave right to your son!
Paul: "DADDY!"
Ping: "Whateverz.JUSTINE!"
Oh God those sims..
Justine: "Here I am buddy.Why you didnt want you mum?"
Pau: "She scwares me!"
Poor boy..
"Hey litle Paul.Wanna see my Kung-Fu punches and kicks?" *evil sigh*
Ping!Dont hurt him!
"Why is everyone spend time with me?"
Because you're the family's litle one!And your parents love you.Well,Justine does.
Justine:"Okay now can you do it alone?"
Paul: "No!Hold me daddy!"
So cute <3
Justine: "Um..yeah!Blair!I am glad you visit us."
Blair: "I havent see Paul yet.So I came.And there is someone I want you to meet."
"Ok I dont remember having two kids.Who is this girl?"
I dont know but she's cute :)
Blair: "She's Amanda.My daugter."
Blair:"Yeah!You see,a friend of mine had a baby and you had a baby so I decided that I was ready to be a parent to and I adopt Amanda."
Justine:"Thats great!She is adorable."
Justine:"You know Blair,I am happy about you.You have move on like I did and thats good for you."
Blair:"Yep..I am happy too.I love Amanda very much."
Bravo Blair! :D
"Is this a camera?"
Yes Blair.Now please,can you stop hitting it?
Justine: "Hello Amanda.You are so cute,you know?Will you call me uncle Justine?"
Amanda: "Em..okay!"
Justine:"What a good girl!"
What a good Justine <3
Blair:"Paul is cute too..congratulations.."
Justine:"Thanks Blait.You too.
Wait,wait,wait.Is someone missing?
Ping!What are you doing here?
"Too many kids for me."
You wont see even Blair?
"I prefer to stay away for the Amanda girl and the other.I will sleep here."
The 'other' is your son!You're such a bad sim!
"And you are stupit voice."
Amanda is cute right?And she had became good friends with Paul ^-^
By the way,the house became bigger this time.Ok its a litle empty but its a normal house.
Well,Blair left later and she left Amanda alone xD but she dissapear from the house and appear to Blair's.
Whats wrong now?
"I didnt said goodbye to Amanda!"
Aww <3
Does it tastes good?
"Nom nom"
Hello?!The kid is hungry and he eats his hand!
Okay,not the besy picture ever but look my boys!
Ping:"Okay Justine what do you want to tell me?"
Justine:"You will see.."
And why I dont know anything about it? -.^
Justine: "Joanna,do me a favour,STOP TALKING FOR 5 MINS!Can you?"
You will pay for what you said mister! >.<
Ping:"What are you-"
"Ping Shi Yi,will you let me be yours forever?WIll you marry me?"
O.O Look at the marry-me-please face <3
"Yes!Yes I will marry you Justine!"
Paul doesnt seam to pay attention..anyway,how cute are they?
"Oh my God!Look how shiny it is!"
Ping:"I cant believe it!"
Justine:"Fancy a huggy?"
Ping:"You are the best thing that has ever happen to my life!"
Justine:"See that Paul?We'll be together forever."
Yay?With you mum?xD
Guys,I understand that you are in love,but this is too close!
Anyway,here I'll leave you.Please leave comments!It mean a lot :)