Hello,hello and welcome to chapter 1.6.If you're reading this,then thanks very much for following The Constanns at livejournal :)
Hey Justine!What you up to?
"Nothing interesting.Just watching this thriler on the T.V.Its so scaring,so dont get scare if you hear
me screaming while I am sleeping."
Goodmorning sunshine.
"Whaa!Clwose the camerwa's flash,I just woke up!"
Anything for you litle Paul <3
"Shh dont worry about this stupit Joanna girl.Mum is here."
You kidding me right?A sweet moment between you and Paul?Its a miracle!Oh and I am not stupit -.-
Newspaperboy: "Hahahahaha!Look this crazy lady in her undies!"
Ping: "How I hate kids!Especialy those kids like you!"
You are in your undies.Outside.He was lefting and he saw you.IN YOU UNDIES,OUTSIDE!
He is right!
Hey litle boy,whats wrong?
"This lady said that she'll tell it to my mum if I dont beg her to forgive me."
Aww dont pay attention.She has not the evil trait but if someone dislike kids,then he/she is evil.
"Wait.Who am I talking to?"
"My God this family is crazy!MUMMY!"
Poor boy...he visited the Constann Family..
Whatcha doing?
"Relaxing with men."
I understand that your best friend is a woman so you want a male friend too but you can try better.
"You'll loose you creepy child!"
No Justine!You love kids,remember?You're not like Ping!
"Yay!I told you I would win!"
You know that thats is Ping's fault right? >.<
Ping: "Okay look.You're sitting here and pee.If you move,you die."
Paul: "Kk mamma."
You Ping,are evil. -.-
"Eww!It smells dead bad!Good that YOU -and I mean the readers- cant smell this."
"Yep.Everything is clean now.But I think I going to do a shower after that."
"You're such a good girl,litle fishy.You dont cry or smell bad all the time!"
Great.She prefers the fish and not her son.
Justine: "Aww look how pretty she is when she paints!"
Does anything changes when she paints?
Justine: "Umm.."
"Aww me loves you red rocket."
And I love you...teal Paul :D
"Good boy Paul."
"Mum I am not a dog."
Ping: "What was that about?"
Justine: "What you mean?"
Ping: "Well,we just woke up..and you're kissing me..you dont use to.So whats the reason?"
Justine: "Maybe because I want a favor."
Ping: "What favor?"
Justine: "Well,I...I want another child Ping."
Ping: "Oh Justine,we have discuss about it.You know that I cant stand kids and we already have Paul and -believe me-
he is enought for me."
Justine: "I just..saw that you are going well together and I thought that we could have another one."
Ping: "But you know I cant..You'll be happy but I'll feel awfull."
Justine: "You are right..I am sorry..I am selfish.I understand you."
Ping: "..thanks."
Dont you love this face? <3
"I want another child but Ping doesnt.."
Well,I dont know what to do to help you :/
"Good that you dont want a sibling."
But you are really going well together.Why not?
"I said that Paul is enough."
You know,for your age,you're looking good.
"Yeah I know that.Thats why Justine is marrying me."
-.- By the way,the wedding is at some days!
"Yeah I know that too."
Justine: "She loves him.He is a child,but she loves him.Why she cant love another one child?"
I dont know but you should respect her want.Dont you?
Justine: "Yeah.."
You're cooking?Odd.
"Yes.Now that Ping is spending more time with Paul,someone has to cook."
Justine: "Our life will be perfect.We will marry,Paul will grown up,we will have a big house...and we will be parents for
second time.. *low voice*
Ping: "What you said in the end?"
Justine: "I was thinking that you may had change opinion.."
Ping: "Justine..please...I-"
Justine: "Its ok.."
You are kissing again infront of me but I feel sorry about you,Justine :(
"He is sad."
Excuse me?
"He is sad.I am happy without a second child but he's sad.
I dont like seeing him like this."
Then do his favour.
"Its not that easy.You dont understand.I love him but I cant make him happy."
You choose..
Ping: "I am sorry hunny.I am making you sad.I am so sorry.."
Justine: "No,now I am making you sad.Its ok,dont feel sorry."
Ping: "But you are in this legacy and you need another child.But..you know how I feel.."
Justine: "I dont want a second child.I think about it and now I dont want."
Ping: "Are you sure or you're lying to make me feel better?"
Justine: "No I am serious.Me,you and Paul are the perfect family.I dont want anyone else."
You are at a demonestration again?(I spell it wrong.Dont I?)Anywayz,you were lying about the 2nd child,didnt you?
"Of course I did.But I dont want to make Ping feel guilt about my sadness"
She is guilt.
"Actually yeah but I have to respect her.So.."
So nothing.Just prepare yourself for the wedding.
"Why mummy and daddy are sad?"
Ermm...daddy is sad because he want something and mummy is sad because daddy is sad.
"And what he wants?"
He wants...um..a car!A very expensive car,but he hasnt got money to buy it.
"I'll give him my red rocket!Its better!"
Aww you are so good son.
Wow!Its you big day!You're marrying today!How you feel?
"Excited but more nevrous."
Everyone is nevrous at their wedding.Especialy men.Just dont worry,be happy.
"Do I look good to marry?"
Yeah you're looking so hot emm..I mean handsome.
Aww look at her in her chinese dress.They are both gorgeous.
It was a close wedding with their most close friends.Actually..with Blair.
Goofy smile <3
Cuteness <3
Aww <3
They are wife and husband <3
Justine: "I love you Ping.I am happy about us."
Ping: "Me to babe.I cant believe we are married!"
I just love this picture.Everyone is adorable.
Justine: "Wooo yeah baby!I am a married guy!"
Ping: "Yay!You rock babe!"
As you can see Blair loves Paul.Well I dont blame her!But I believe that she's going
to be a great mother.
Justine: "Everything ok Blair?"
Blair: "What?Umm..yeah of course.."
I am sure that she's sad because she realised that she will never be with Justine...
Poor her..but she's got a boyfriend!Guess who!Ok I will tell you: Cycl0ne.
Ping: "Justine..I have something to tell you..I decide that..we can have another child.If you still want to.."
Justine: "You want another child?That's awesome Ping!You really want?"
Ping: "Yeah.I would do anything for you.And a baby..wont be such a big problem.."
Aww I heard the good news!And did I lost you kiss? >:)
Umm..Justine..where are you looking right now?
Justine: "What?I cant look at my wife's hair?!"
Justine: "Umm,Paul!Mum and dad have to do a job now!Go to your room!"
Ping: "Yeah leave now or I'll be angry and you dont want to see me like this!"
Justine: "You too Joanna!Leave us alone!"
And here you can see how much carrying parents they are -especialy Ping- and how they love me. -.^
Lets go Paul.
Oh.Paul decide to grow up!
"All alone.You're they only one who care about me Jonna!"
Aww they love you.They just had a 'job' to do.And I am Joanna.
Hello cutie!
You're so cute!But your new trait..
"What's wrong?I like steal things!"
Yeah he is a klepto.
"Yahou!I have my own manly room!"
Yes..its so 'manly'.
Ping: "Paul?You grew up!Congratulations!"
Paul: "Yeah congratz too for the wedding."
Ping: "Thanks.Sorry that me and your dad werent with you when you grew.."
Paul: "Yes I know.You had to do a job.Did dad found the money for the car?"
Ping: "What car?"
Paul: "You know,this expensive car that he couldnt buy and you were both sad about it."
Ping: "Ooh yeah.He..dont want it anymore.
Yeah he has Paul's red rocket to drive xD
So here I will say goodbye.Thanks for reading this.This was a bit dramatic right?What you think?Pls leave comments.