They were assembling because of the removal of a statue that was part of their heritage. I wonder if BLM suffers such a violent counter protest? Until I get more facts, I'm withholding judgement.
I know. I'm just pointing out liberals looking the other way when Antifa are violent (and even approving of it), especially since a sizeable number of them applauded the GOP baseball practice shooting because Trumpcare will supposedly "kill" 24 million people (dramatic much, liberals?).
This Wes Bellamy is a real piece of work. And the police, too. Now, the next shoe to drop will be if Sessions and Trump are serious about this Civil Rights Investigation that Ted Cruz and others are calling for. But the Republican establishment would rather crush the Alt-Right or potential side groups than ever seriously deal with Antifa. That and to borrow from the Z-Man, "you can be sure that many of the CivNats and Buckley Cons were rushing to their nearest liberal and begging them for forgiveness."
Holy, front page, a story painting antifa to be heroes! It doesn't surprise me. At least there are thousands of comments from outraged people calling them out as scumbags.
I have to look at Trump's latest press conference today -- my timing is really off, this week, due to major offline issues -- at least he's finally condemning antifa, sorta. But I'll take any condemnation of left-wing violence, anymore, as Antifa is rarely criticized by public officials
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I wonder if many Republicans are just too spineless to stand up to Antifa. Many of them bent to the Democrats under Obama so why would be different now?
Mitt, like Evan McMullin, bent to the Dems (McMullin bitches about Russia 24/7, so I'll never vote for him again).
I never registered for any party but when I do it'll be 3rd party.
Cucks are going to cuck, I agree. The elected Republicans and talking heads' reaction to what happened in Virginia are what I expected -- to cliched perfection -- but it doesn't make it easy. Of course, they'd rather crush the Alt-Right than ever try to fight the Democrats/liberals/leftists on anything of actual meaning, etc. And then, they'd love to go back to being the Washington Generals to the Democrats' Harlem Globetrotters. Life is so simple under that arraignment. But as you say, they've bent to the Dems so long, why is now any different? They think Antifa will spare them? Childish nonsense
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Also, there was something else he said, yesterday that had me curious:
Interesting that Kelly saw the backlash coming and tried to avert it. The “many sides” comment failed not because it was strictly wrong but because it smelled like an attempt to shift blame after a white nationalist attacked a bunch of protesters. Imagine if some antifa nut had driven a car into a group of right-wingers and Obama had said, “Well, don’t forget, there’s violence on the right too.” Not wrong per se but really wrong for the occasion. And that analogy undersells it since Obama wasn’t an icon of the antifa left to quite the same extent that Trump, with his army of online Pepes, is to the alt-right. He wasn’t just diverting responsibility
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Indeed. One thing I did forget to add is how the Alt-Right also has its share of ex-Democrats who aren't on board with the Democrats' ethnic replacement scheme (as people are being reminded of Jason Kessler's background), so there will be the occasional ideological clashes, as a result. Given how the Left can no longer walk back their anti-white hatred, which have been going on since Obama's re-election, but really, had been in the background for a long time, as per Susan Sontag's heyday, there are larger stakes at hand right now. The ideology issues can always be hashed out later
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Someone on the radio said something I hadn't thought of. They asked why this push to remove statues is coming up now when they had eight years of Obama doing whatever he wanted? Granted, there has always been a push to remove white icons and replace them with black -such as with the currency- but it seems like the rabid sjws are getting extra extreme. They thought maybe it was the democrats way of punishing white working class people who turned against them in the Trump election. They think it will escalate to taking down founder father statues as well
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Jim Goad has a good summary, but basically confirms what you said:
This Wes Bellamy is a real piece of work. And the police, too. Now, the next shoe to drop will be if Sessions and Trump are serious about this Civil Rights Investigation that Ted Cruz and others are calling for. But the Republican establishment would rather crush the Alt-Right or potential side groups than ever seriously deal with Antifa. That and to borrow from the Z-Man, "you can be sure that many of the CivNats and Buckley Cons were rushing to their nearest liberal and begging them for forgiveness."
Fuck the mayor of Charlottesville and fuck the governor of Virginia!
Also, I'm amazed at what Mitt Romney said:
"No, not the same. One side is racist, bigoted, Nazi. The other opposes racism and bigotry. Morally different universes."
Did he just endorse Antifa...?
Thankfully, John Gibson had a good reply:
"mitt just stop. The Antifa would be smashing skulls of your supporters too."
Damn straight they would.
I can't believe I voted for him in 2012. So embarrassed right now.
Mitt, like Evan McMullin, bent to the Dems (McMullin bitches about Russia 24/7, so I'll never vote for him again).
I never registered for any party but when I do it'll be 3rd party.
Also, there was something else he said, yesterday that had me curious:
Interesting that Kelly saw the backlash coming and tried to avert it. The “many sides” comment failed not because it was strictly wrong but because it smelled like an attempt to shift blame after a white nationalist attacked a bunch of protesters. Imagine if some antifa nut had driven a car into a group of right-wingers and Obama had said, “Well, don’t forget, there’s violence on the right too.” Not wrong per se but really wrong for the occasion. And that analogy undersells it since Obama wasn’t an icon of the antifa left to quite the same extent that Trump, with his army of online Pepes, is to the alt-right. He wasn’t just diverting responsibility ( ... )
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