Selective outrage

Aug 12, 2017 22:29

Liberals were silent when Antifa were violent.

They have no right to be outraged about today.

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dark_weezing August 16 2017, 16:13:55 UTC
Indeed. One thing I did forget to add is how the Alt-Right also has its share of ex-Democrats who aren't on board with the Democrats' ethnic replacement scheme (as people are being reminded of Jason Kessler's background), so there will be the occasional ideological clashes, as a result. Given how the Left can no longer walk back their anti-white hatred, which have been going on since Obama's re-election, but really, had been in the background for a long time, as per Susan Sontag's heyday, there are larger stakes at hand right now. The ideology issues can always be hashed out later.

I really didn't start reading on them until NRO fired Derbyshire in 2012, then became of Taki Mag, Vdare -- which Paypal just cut off last night -- and it's been a long journey, but it prepped me ahead of time for Trump and, unfortunately, these hysterical times.

That said, it's good to be riiiiiiiiight, and how NRO columnists don't know much about anything, these days. (I stopped caring completely once they purged Steyn.) I'm glad the comments are trying to push back to be more accurate of things, but never let the truth get in the way of a certain narrative, as we all know by now.


kharmii August 16 2017, 20:58:16 UTC
Someone on the radio said something I hadn't thought of. They asked why this push to remove statues is coming up now when they had eight years of Obama doing whatever he wanted? Granted, there has always been a push to remove white icons and replace them with black -such as with the currency- but it seems like the rabid sjws are getting extra extreme. They thought maybe it was the democrats way of punishing white working class people who turned against them in the Trump election. They think it will escalate to taking down founder father statues as well.

Doing this will not only demoralize the former democrat whites but will make the guilty useful idiot whites even more guilty. A couple of my FB friends have been sounding social justicy more and more. Just yesterday, some lady who only used to post pictures of her kids posted something like, "How is it I have 700 friends on here, yet nobody wants to discuss the link I posted about white privilege."

I replied, "Whenever I hear someone bring up white privilege, it makes me think they sound like a useful idiot democrat shill." The comment was deleted within 24 hours.

The only reason I was friends with that person was because they met me through MOPS and decided to friend everybody they could find who was a member. Even if I knew 700 people, I'd never be friends with that many. I know the type though, the do-gooder guilty white pampered housewife who cares too awfully much about what other people think of her, including all those friends she doesn't even know on FB.


dark_weezing August 16 2017, 23:41:25 UTC
That's a very good question -- why now?

I'm sure part of it is that the fact Trump was able to mobilize the white vote in ways never done recently, and the fact Obama outright jettisoned the white working class for votes in 2012, they're scared about what would happen if enough whites who've been browbeated into white guilt submission for the past several decades would finally become "woke." That's a big reason why the Jewish Neocons hate Trump, as to them, it's always 1881 Russia and the paranoia of the White Gentiles potentially rising up again. For SJWs, it's now or never to keep their influence or lose it for good, as they dream to be Classic Jesse Jackson with the shakedown/paydays. Plus, there's the endless Southern bashing in our pop culture, which has been going on since forever, and the Southern Whites being the very few White groups allowed to celebrate such heritage, it's a perfect storm. Either way, the Left would eventually go for it, or someone would.

As this happened, Z-Man noted how a lot of the Antifa bloodlust is being driven by the blue-haired Cat ladies, as was done in the 60's and their equivalents. And I believe it, given how nasty liberal women Tweets I've read, either by celebs or by low-level female antifa cretins.

They're itching to kill us now, and if they can't find a reason, they'll make it up. Of course, that approach has its drawbacks:

As for your Facebook woes, I'm sorry about that. I want to comment about that, but I'll do it on a separate comment, as I kinda fried my brain with the above, ATM.


kharmii August 17 2017, 00:58:21 UTC
Oh man, belly laugh at the mouldy locks vid, plus that thing doing the Youtube video in Zman's post looks WAYY too much like my brother's ex wife. Hopefully it's close to the end for them because they are getting nuttier than one could imagine. Anonymous Conservative said on his blog somewhere that if you were watching Idiocracy and people were cuddling on the floor while someone colored in a coloring book in a corner when the crops were failing, then people would think that was too weird. If Orwell would have had transgenders in the military in 1984 getting their surgeries paid for, people would have thought he was too out there and radical.


dark_weezing August 17 2017, 01:40:04 UTC
I need to watch Idiocracy, especially it felt that way during the Obama years to me, but Mike Judge has since remarked with the 2016 election, "Oh, God, we're living it with Trump!" I'm curious if he still feels that way, especially as Fox is considering reviving King of the Hill.

"If Orwell would have had transgenders in the military in 1984 getting their surgeries paid for, people would have thought he was too out there and radical. "

Indeed. Sadly, Sam Francis didn't live to see the perfect summary of his anarcho-tyranny theory, as practiced last Saturday. And I'm sure people at the time thought that what he said was too out there and radical, too.

Living in these times, I didn't think I'd have to read stuff like this:

I've heard about Popehat a bajillion times, but never got around to actually reading him. Maybe it's just as well after this (insert obligatory "Popehat, asshat" joke somewhere). Is he always this nasty, or is it just something new to him? But then, Patterico has since devolved into full-on psychotic Never Trump mode, Red State the same thing and Hotair might be on its way, as Allahpundit keeps skirting the line, sometimes. I already commented on NRO, so shouldn't be surprised by any of this, but I still am?

Maybe all professional conservative bloggers are destined to go the way of Little Green Footballs. How out there and radical? Eh, throw in an extremely extreme, too, for good measure.

"Plus that thing doing the Youtube video in Zman's post looks WAYY too much like my brother's ex wife."

Snerk. Did she always act like that, or did she become enlightened along the way?


kharmii August 17 2017, 10:24:33 UTC
Nah, it's just the look she had. At least she passed for female, lol!

That's shitty what they did about paypal. I hate leftist pulling out that 'safe for our community' bullshit, like letting people donate to a site that disagrees with sjws via paypal is too triggering for some.


dark_weezing August 17 2017, 13:27:02 UTC
Indeed. One of my best friends now has a toddler-age daughter, and I brought up the trans stuff to warn about the future social pressure. She did remark to me how people have asked if her daughter was a boy. Yeah, this stuff is everywhere.

Paypal has been starting to do this for a while -- they cut off Occidental Dissent earlier in the year, but this is a major shot across the bow to anyone even remotely sympathetic to the Alt-Right. And it's about to get worse:

Derbyshire noted recently how corporations are becoming subsidiaries of Antifa, and that's becoming quite true.

I had an offline thought, late yesterday, but when Russian interests bought LJ some time ago, everyone was freaking out about censorship, vis-a-vis, Putin. After this week, I'm now glad LJ is not owned by an American company anymore, as the odds are that they'd go the way of Zuckerberg, too.


kharmii August 17 2017, 21:27:55 UTC
Zuckerberg is such a hypocrite. He wants open borders so that the whole country can be like major cities in California where they have a few ultra rich living with a massive underclass and no middle class.

It sucks because the Russia takeover made it so dead around here. At least the Russians seem to be more into free speech online. Sad people would give up their friends and communities on here over that dumb gay crusader bs.


dark_weezing August 18 2017, 00:56:00 UTC
I miss the days when the elites just ignored us and didn't give a damn. These days, it's all spite and embarrassed by us, and ready to end the whole sad arraignment.

I'll use this link to converge on all your points:

Mark Steyn did comment on the Paypal lulz with Tucker Carlson, last night, so that's good. That's more than your average NRO cretin would do.

"Sad people would give up their friends and communities on here over that dumb gay crusader bs."

Look at far shitlib crazy on ONTD they are, but I agree, it sucks. Gregory Hood on Radix has noted that Putin only did that to spare himself the headache of his country being controlled/dominated politically by the gay activists, as America has done to itself. Given how much the gay activists have wrought in the past five years alone, that theory makes sense enough to me.

And yeah, that's why this psychotic Russophobia is getting to be too much for me, especially as you said, the Russians care more about online free speech than our own country does.

Also, people just don't want to bother writing/texting long-form anything, anymore. It's just tl;dr or it's all Tweets and tumblr's "I'll post GIFs to show my feels!!!" LJ's potential long-text format seems so quaint in comparison.


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