Trump rally in chicago

Mar 25, 2016 22:39

I know this is a little late but i have other things to focus on (like college graduation). ;)

Anyway, obviously you know about protesters interrupting and shutting down a Trump rally in chicago a while ago. Many were Bernie Bums and a few even had "professionally-made" signs, suggesting it was well-orchestrated. As a matter of fact, MoveOn was part of it and a local activist helped organize it (chicago, community organizer, hmmmmmm, does that ring a bell).

It all boils down to one thing: had they simply protested outside the venue the whole time without interrupting Trump's rally, then there would've no problem.

Leftists generally don't operate that way. instead, the thugs barged into a ticketed rally (no ticket= no entry), disrupted it, shut it down (one guy even rushed the stage), and stopped Trump's supporters from peaceably assembling, then it turned into a huge fight and got violent at times.

Look, i'm no trump supporter (as i most certainly did not vote for him, i'll say that much), but he and his supporters have a right to PEACEABLY assemble no matter how much some of us don't like what he says. Same goes for any other candidate.
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