Good morning, (fake) sunshine. [complete]

Oct 21, 2009 01:13

Characters; Mihael "Mello" Keehl (m_sfire), Cloud Strife (first_tsurugi), Kagura (straycarnage)
Setting/Location; Ex Favila, Cafeteria
Date & Time; Day 2, starting sometime between 7:00-7:30 AM
Warnings; Chocolate fiend vs. alien girl, watch out for the crossfire ~
Briefing; Mello has something delicious. Kagura has a sweet tooth. The cafeteria has sturdy walls?

It was on days you woke up with frost in your hair like the icing on your very own fucking lawn that you remembered what a thermostat was, and why a tent -- shitty place to live under any circumstances -- in a cave under hell frozen over was about the best idea anybody had come up with since square wheels.

A sane person would either have rolled over and died or at least wished for the opportunity, but Mello was already up and moving by the time his head started defrosting; hell if he could see his own hand before he hit the showers, but from there on out it was a steady progression of rote all the way to the cafeteria and the first cup of hot chocolate (brewed from his own reserves since the official menus were stingy as hell; dash of whiskey optional but preferred) to kick off humanoid function.

There weren't too many people who got used to the rhythms of living underground straightaway, so the place was even quieter than usual. Just fine by him -- get some reading done, mentally brace for coming days and babysitting the new guys -- same old grind. Maybe.

mihael "mello" keehl, cloud strife, kagura, *country: ex favila

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