Alien 4 vs Pred...I mean Firefly

Jun 12, 2010 20:48

In the interest of backing "music" to tidy my house by, today I stuck on Alien 4, as it was one of the only two movies on my hard drive (the other being Conan the Barbarian).

Watching it, I couldn't help but remember it was written by Joss Wheedon. And suddenly I realised that a lot of the characters where from Firefly.

Mainly the mercenaries who deliver the ship.
But the parallels are
Captain - Mal (gruff, but with a loyal crew)
Female sidekick - Zoe (ok, she doesn't seem to feature much in Alien)
Ron Perlman's character - Jayne (crude, antagonistic to other crew members)
Ripley/Winona Ryder's character - Summer (physically lethal, brain full government secrets)
Wheelchair guy - Wash (ok, I got nothing here)

It just amused me to notice the parallels and now I can't watch it without kinda thinking of it as the crew of the Firefly entering the Alien universal. Pre-emptive cross over fiction ftw!
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