There are so many! I won't be able to stop myself, I'll include them all xD
They're in chronological order :)
Gun scene
"I've known girls like you."
(Don't we just love a good first impression? XD)
Banana scene
"Why don't come a little closer and warm me up."
Letter scene
"A kiss oughta do it."
First kiss
"Hell, it's only first base. Lucky for you I ain't greedy."
Wake up scene
"I became the man I was huntin'. I became Sawyer."
Stalking me now? scene
"Oh, of course. I don't need protection, I can take care of myself. 'Me Kate, me throw rock!' "
Waterfall scene
"Come on, Freckles. After all we've been through on this damn island, don't we deserve somethin' good?"
Tackling scene
"Golly, I hate to bicker about positions, sweetheart. But I think you're the one on top."
Tackling in the grass scene
"Hell, Freckles, I knew you wanted it, I just didn't know how bad."
Post-boar scene
"Thank you, boar expert."
I Never scene
"I never killed a man....... Well, looks like we've got something in common after all."
Headache scene
"Get up, you're going to Jack."
Goodbye scene
"Cause there ain't anything on this island worth stayin' for..."
They look for each other
Uhm. Well. This was at least 90 % of their scenes... Oh well xD They're all so good!
I'll do the second season later.
I bet even those of you who don't watch LOST can see the amazing connection and chemistry these two have, just watch their facial expressions, those says it all. So much emotion.