I already did this before, but I wanted to post it here. It's fun.
"One True Pairing" Ship: Sawyer/Kate (LOST)
"One True Threesome" Ship: So many choices! But uhm. Bill/Tom/Georg (Tokio Hotel) is among my faves.
Favorite "Canon" Ship: Since I said Skate already, I'll go with Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter. well, duh)
"Not quite canon but should be" ship: L/Light (Death Note)
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship: Jack/Kate (LOST). It already happened. Consider my eyes already stabbed. Several times.
"You are one sick bastard" ship: Andreas/Simone (Tokio Hotel universe)
"I'm one sick bastard" ship: I guess someone would say Tom/Bill (Tokio Hotel) would go under this.
"It's like a car crash" Ship: Sawyer/Ana-Lucia (LOST)
"Tickles my fancy but not quite sold yet" Ship: Bill/Sam (True Blood)
"Makes no sense but why the hell not" Ship: Draco/Harry (Harry Potter)
"So cute my teeth ache" Ship: Jessica/Hoyt (True Blood)
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship: I'd say Edward Bella (Twilight) and also Jack/Kate (LOST) WHY DOES JATE HAVE SO MANY SHIPPERS? I DON'T GET IT, THEY HAVE NO CONNECTION OR CHEMESTRY AND HE'S NOT GOOD FOR HER. I guess it's because Jaters are the "hero gets the girl" and "prince on a white horse" kind of people, going after the safe options. While we on the other hands, likes it a bit more rough and exciting, with two equal characters where they don't feel like one is better than the other. Kate's not a picket fence kind of girl, and everyone knows it. So I don't get it. /rant
"Guilty Pleasure" ship: Jacob/Edward >< (Twilight)
"I can't believe I read it and liked it" ship: Bill/Nena (Tokio Hotel universe)
Favorite "Older/Younger" ship: "Bill/Bushido (Tokio Hotel universe)
"My first which I could never abandone" ship: Sawyer/Kate (LOST) You'll be in my heart, no matter what they say. You'll be here in my heart always.
Favorite Pervyship: Bill/Tom (Tokio Hotel)
Favorite DominanceBattle ship: Tom/Georg (Tokio Hotel)
Canon ship that makes me shudder: Finn/Rachel (Glee)