Jun 19, 2008 19:46

MONSTER GUIDE( brave men tell the truth )

= monster guide, + information

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fierybluebird August 31 2011, 20:07:21 UTC
Monster Name: Ankheg
Canon: Forgotten Realms and/or "All D&D eeeeever" -- They're even copied for Final Fantasy V (though I'm submitting D&D version)
Information Link:
Description: Six legs, mandibles capable of snapping trees, and even really strong arrows and swords have to hit the right spot or their shell will ward it the fuck off. They burrow underground (though they don't really create tunnels unless it's for their home since it takes them a long time) and when they first come up for food, all you can see are feelers which they use to check for prey. Once they get a good idea of their surroundings the full 10 feet of them stands up to eat anything -- weapons and all. As their final attack they spit acid (though they don't like to because then they can't eat for hours later and it only comes up to eat) and after any serious damage they will attempt to run away by burrowing underground (at which point not much, even magic, can damage then.)


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