I wonder...

May 14, 2009 17:31

Sometimes, it feels like my blood is surging through my veins at the speed of electricity and my brain is short circuting.
(i get angry a lot.)
I find this feeling a lot.

I need to SERIOUSLY look into boxing lessons.
I need to do something constructive with myself to get rid of some pent up aggression.
But it would have to be something fun.
And I want to learn how to box.
Like... really bad.

i wish just this once my mom would do something for me financially aside from paying for a plane ticket once a year.
i mean for christ sake it's been 20 fucking years and all she's spent on me was maybe $2000 collectively. My dad spends that on me in like 4 months and I basically support myself with my paychecks. And we're both pretty fuckin broke all the time.
I wish that just this one time....just this once, she'd fill her words and keep up with the dreams she plants in my head. She said she's getting a ton of money from her most recent divorce. And that in June, she's supposed to get her settlement and will send me money. I dont expect anything in june but i just want her to actually send me money by the end of summer. I want a grand from her. Maybe that's greedy but i still feel like she owes me. She's never ever paid child support. My dad's done it all. ALL.

I should just stop thinking about it. It's never going to happen.
I just shouldn't ever take anything she says seriously.
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