News for no one

Jun 23, 2004 19:47

I have been in a disaster l8ly. Between all the drama bullshit w/ my "friends," my health, my family ALL FIGHTING W/ EACH OTHER, and my grandma being back in the hospital this time it is serious. I just got some more bad news today, but lets not go into that rite now. A little note to all. DID U ALL BOTHER TO THINK THAT THE STRESS OF EVERYTHING COULD BE CAUSING HER SEIZURES??? WELL FUCKING THINK FOR ONCE. And if u think u have a good argument to try to prove me wrong.......think again. I am here. I c everyting first hand. Everyone else gets the bullshit hear-say. That is just that.

Anywho- apparently everyone is already talking about repalcing me, so I have continued to look for a full time job and am looking into enrolling in college classes. And if she does come home and I still take care of her there will still be all kinds of people here ruining her, so I will have 2 full time jobs and go to school full time. Ask y I dare u. No actually don't. But that isn't the point. There really is no point to my being here is there? That is wut I thot, so I have decided to look for an apt as soon as I get 1 or 2 full time jobs. Everything just depends on how grandma does, but it looks like either way certain ppl don't want me here and will do everything in their power to make me leave. FUCK U 4 TRYING!!!

On a liter note.........wait there is no liter note. OMG!!! Michael was here 4 2 fucking days!!!! 4 those of u hu don't no him, he would drive u absolutly fucking nutz!!! I can't even talk to him! No 1 understands y I can't stand him! Well let him attach himself 2 ur hip 4 2 dayz!!!! That is wut I thot!!!

Well, it is time for me 2 try adn get some sleep 4 the 1st time in dayz. So I will catch up l8r.

*It is better to b h8ed 4 hu u r rather than 2 be luved 4 hu ur not*

*Always smile, even if it is a sad smile bcuz sadder than a sad smile is the sadness of not noing how to smile*

*It is better 2 b silent and thot a fool than to open ur mouth and remove all doubt*

*When u were born, every 1 around u was smiling and u were crying. Live ur life so that when u die, ur smiling and every 1 around u is crying*
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