Confused Fur:
melts and goes gooey
by way of a preface i'd like you all to read this story
... although be warned, it's adult male on male yiffery... but nice
anyway, read it...
the story lies here ok... so that made me happy this morning since i read it on the coach after completing the first of the day's LJs
it was the fact that it struck such a resonant chord with me, really
here's the secone thing of the day... finished the days exam, which was chemistry and not overly exciting and was subsequently left with a remaining three hours of the school day to spend as a gentlefur of leisure... so i strolled up to st albans town to spend the afternoon in starbucks (having meandered into the comic shop on the way and squander the weeks lunch money
so, i sat in starbucks reaading comics followed by Stalin and this is where i spent the rest of the afternoon.
on the tables next to me were a group of young mothers with children of only a few months old...
but i felt the urge for cubs more keenly etc. and ARRGH...
just as i write this, on the school bus, trying to make some kinda point about the tragedies of my life and the secret yearnings of my soul, some little shit goes and ruins the dramatic effect of the touching narrative i'm creating in order to try and stir shit with my short tempered brother by throwing stuff at him... can i just say... and now i think about it it's actually relevant, that i HATE!!! the way that kids behave... or the way that our kind of society makes them... it makes them into spiteful little small minded bullies averse to change and quick to damn those that stray from the norm even slightly... i hate it... and i hate them, all those little bastards that i see it in on my school bus...
and the depressing thing is that it starts from such a young age suggesting that it stems from their home upbringing and is therefore self propagating whe these people themselves become parents... some people just aren't fit to be parents...
maybe that's one of the reasons i long for cubs... or maybe it's just paternal instinct...
anyway, i do wan't cubs, and no matter how my life develops, i will have them... and i guess the point is not that i long for cubs, but that i long for my own biological cubs... i never want to adopt because, with the plastic nature of the human mind, by the time you adopt them, they will have already been fucked up by their life experiences... the only way (I see) to bring up a child with peace of mind that it isn't arriving pre-fucked up is if it's biological... and you, the parents, are able to keep it safe and make it's young impressionable moments free from mental and physical harm that's going to mess it up in later life... but... science hasn't gotten that far yet... (though i pray that it will)
even so, the human infant has hard-wired behaviours that prompt it to seek it's mother so... there'll still be problems to consider, i guess...