Apr 29, 2007 23:44
now i'd like to start out saying that it's really nothing personal.
but i made a very tiny friends cut based on what someone has told me, recently.
i value trust within my friendships, esp friends that i know in real life, as in, outside of the internet.
my lj is friends-only for a reason. i expect what i write in my lj to remain private (for the most part, i am aware that this is the internet). if you guys can't do that, let me know.
if you've found yourself cut, comment here and let me know why you should be added back, if you'd like to be added back. i still consider all of you my friends, however trust is something earned, not given.
the people i've cut are all people i know in real life. there was a specific reason you were cut, but it was not a personal one, so please don't take anything personally.