czarcasmo asked:
1. You've known me for quite a long time. What is the the one thing that you find most annoying about me?
These days, the fact that your prolific posting pushes most of my friends' entries to the previous 20 page within 15 hours of them being posted. Other than that, I couldn't really say. Maybe that you didn't despise the evil beast Kitterman. But all the memories we made together growing up that I recall and have committed to long term memory are pleasant and I don't think you're annoying.
2. How has discovering you are diabetic affected the way you view life?
It makes me unhappy. It helps me understand people with eating disorders. Food completely rules my life. Everything I eat or drink, every single thing I put in my mouth affects my body. Tiny things like a cold or my period are potentially a huge ordeal, because they affect my blood sugar and thus how I'm feeling. It's a colossial pain in the ass and yes I am bitter. But I do take comfort in being type 1 and the fact that they have no idea what causes it. If I was type 2, I'd be even more bitter, because it would be one of those things where if I had just watched my diet and been more active or whatever, I wouldn't have this disease.
3. When was the last time you had an orgasm, and how was it administered?
I had a few of them on Saturday, all administered by Denver, and various parts of him.
4. Who do you want to meet, dead or alive?
Denver's mom. She died 15 years ago.
5. If I was straight, would you have wanted to have sex with me?
No, for no less than 3 reasons:
a. after I slept with the boy from BLAST! (and I am not likely to tell you who it was, but no he was not a guard boy) I promised myself I would never sleep with anyone else drumcorps/winterguard related because there's too much potential for people knowing things they just don't need to. With that crowd, no one needs 6 degrees to be seperated from everyone else.
b. I've never slept with a friend and messing around with them was ackward enough in most cases.
c. you're so much thinner than me I'd be too self-concious to fully enjoy it.