On Wednesday, I ran some errands. I went to Prestige Portraits to go exchange a photo because we wanted to change it. Then as I left I saw one of those
malignant systs... so I decided to go provoke it. As I approached I was handed out the flyer. I looked inside, saw a few of the pictures, then put it down and asked it the simple question of if it believes killing an animal is wrong. It told me "no, if it's done humanely". This I found interesting, "Humanely?" "Yes, such as a gunshot in the heart" and then I asked it if it thought that decapitation was inhumane. It said yes. I asked, "Why, when decapitation kills the animal so much faster?". "Yes, but decapitation defaces the animal." I stared at it for a minute, then said "so it's better to kill slowly than to deface it?" "I didn't say that" "..." I proceeded to walk away a couple minutes later as it then tried to infect more people.
PETA has taken away any sympathy I used to have for animals. There was this myspace bulletin a couple days ago, that had this animal rights thing and had pictures of hurt dogs and cats with the title "GO VEGAN". I replied to the sender that going vegan will obviously help me save some dogs and cats. But you know, they're cuter! I honestly just don't feel anything anymore for cows and chickens. PETA has attempted to infect me to the point where I just want to destroy them. They have baraged me with all these Go Vegan campaigns to the point where I am numbed, you can show me the goriest picture of a cow you want to. I just won't care. I want to completely go Meat... I truly do... it'll only be difficult due to the whole expense issue... but most vegans do pay more to be vegan, so I guess I can fight for my views to. I mean, I do believe it's morally wrong to kill the things which provide us with oxygen.
The main argument I have heard has been the Meat farms. And, now... after seeing all the pictures and everything, and really thinking over the fact that these ARE just cows... of whom a LARGE percentage are still raised on open farm. But that they are not people... and don't deserve to be treated as such... I just don't care. It's not like they're suffering... all we do is see from our eyes what the cow is going through. When actually what the cow is going through... is not that bad... the cows have not been reported as acting like they are suffering. They have not been reported to be in pain. More than likely the only thing going through a cow's mind at any given point during they're life is "chew... chew... chew..." I don't feel a need to waste more trees to give them more space to roam. Nor do I feel we need to destroy the warehouse. Then there's the Chicken thing. Chickens have been raised in henhouses since the mid-1800's and probably even before that. And honestly, there's no difference between the two. Aside that now, the chickens have cages, and before they were raised just in the house all the time, not in seperate cages... But.. that's actually improved the life of the chicken. How? because now when there's a thunderstorm they don't have to worry about getting smothered by all the other chickens. It's also easier on the farmers, so they don't have to stay up all night when there is a thunderstorm kicking the chickens apart. I do believe we need to change something about how we raise chickens though, due to genetic mutations and hurting the quality of meat that we get from them. Also, the cows are still killed quite humanely. They are now killed through a machine that kills them very quickly, because it wants to kill cows as fast as it can. PETA will feed you lies about much more gruesome deaths which don't occur or happen only once in a very long while.
The organization itself demises the face of the earth. Taking in money which could go to benefitting the lives of society... Bulldozing trees to build a new animal rights complex. Yes, the meat industry destroys a good 5000 acres of tree area each year. But the industrial industry destroys 10000 acres, vegan farms have destroyed 2000 acres this past year... Veganism is NOT earth-friendly. I have listened to their bullshit for so long... They're hypocrits. I'm sorry, I meant to say "
After all, PETA are hypocrits." The organization
promotes acts of vandalism, arson, etc. In fact, last year PETA paid over 1,500 dollars to fight for the North America Earth Liberation Front (A group designated as domestic-terrorists by the FBI). The Group also pays for its members defenses when going on trial for "acts of liberation" (as they call it).
I want to join an anti-PETA coalition... but I haven't been able to find one. Oh well... There you go. Hate me if you must... but if you agree... please sign
the petition.