Five Shorties

Jul 02, 2006 22:37

So the first three are ones I did for and posted on queerditch pub. The other two I did after but using the prompts. :)

1. Telling - Harry/Draco PG
2. Discovery - Harry/Draco G
3. Engrave - Harry/Draco/Ron PG
4. Heaven and Hell - Sirius/Remus/Regulus PG13
5. Together - Neville/Ginny/Luna G

1. Telling - Harry/Draco PG

"Ron," Harry started, pulling Draco along by the hand. He saw Ron give their entwined fingers a confused look before he gave the look to Harry. "We've something to tell you." He tugged Draco, making him stumble to stand beside him. "Don't we, Draco?"

Ron raised his eyebrows and Draco scowled at him. Harry knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he had talked to Draco beforehand about this, about patronizing Ron. Why did it surprise him that Draco didn't listen?

"I guess we do. Though I don't see why we have to tell him." He ran his fingers up the underside of Harry's arm, making delicious shivers race though his body.

"Because we told everyone else. Even Snape knows! For Merlin's sake, all the Weasleys know but Ron," Harry said sharply. Draco pouted and tried kissing Harry's neck, but he pulled away. There was no use in overwhelming Ron.

"I don't think I want to know," Ron muttered in a strained voice.

Harry sighed. "But I want you to know. You're my best friend, Ron." He heard Draco grumble beside him and felt his hand dip into the waistband of Harry's jeans but for his part, he didn't react. Ron did though. His eyes bulged and he gasped loudly.

"What -- ugg," Ron gurgled. Harry batted Draco's hands away and gazed sympathetically at his friend.

"Draco and I are together," he said shortly as he was still struggling with Draco's hands. Draco smiled cheekily at him with that gleam in his eyes that made Harry groan before he even knew he was going to.

"Erm," Ron said, breaking Harry's attention away from the blond and to the redhead. "I'm just going to pretend this didn't happen, okay?" He quickly turned and staggered away.

Draco laughed and managed to wedge his hand down Harry's jeans. He called, "We'll send you some pictures!" before thoroughly ravishing Harry.

2. Discovery - Harry/Draco G

Hermione worries about Harry. She especially worries about his love life. She knows he's seeing someone for he has that happy shine in his eye, he sneaks out repeatedly, and sometimes he has that I've-just-had-wondrous-sex look. Hermione knows that look because she's seen it on Ron...and herself though she doesn't like to mention that.

If Harry wouldn't come into the common room sometimes with his face drawn down and tears threatening to fall, or other times when he storms in, anger emitting off him threatening to burn the curtains, Hermione wouldn't worry. But those negative times and positive times are about the same amount.

It was those negative moments that prompted Hermione into stealing Harry's invisibility cloak and following him out the common room. Those moments were what lead her to peeping on Harry cuddling into Draco Malfoy's arms and falling asleep, a smile curling his lips.

At first Hermione wanted to strangle the blond. It was he who made Harry upset all those times! But before she could foolishly blow her cover, he brushed the hair out of Harry's face tenderly. He trailed his fingers down the side of Harry's face and gazed at him with a compassionate look softening his usually cold eyes.

Hermione almost gasped aloud. She'd seen that look in Ron’s eyes multiple times. It was a look of love and adoration. It was a look of happiness. She was about to deny that Draco Malfoy had any feelings for Harry when the brunette sighed sleepily and laced his fingers with the blond. Hermione watched in fascination as Malfoy struggled to keep a smile from creeping on his face.

Quietly, Hermione left the room and slid the door shut. She wasn't worried about Harry's love life anymore.

3. Engrave - Harry/Draco/Ron PG

It had all started because Draco wanted to mark them, engrave marks along their skin with his nails. And like a conniving Slytherin he had, multiple times. He would rake his nails down Potter's back and bite Weasley's shoulder as he came with a hiss.

It continued because Draco liked it so much. He liked pulling one over the Golden Boy and his sidekick, because that’s what he was doing. He was tricking them, using them, enjoying them. Only, he enjoyed it too much. Draco knew and they knew.

It still continued because he plain liked it. It wasn't to get them back anymore. It wasn't for the Dark Lord, which was what Draco had repeatedly told himself even though he knew it never was. He liked engraving himself upon the Gryffindors and they liked marking him, leaving their traces on him.

Draco looked at an engraving on his forearm. He didn't know which one had made it, Potter or Weasley, but it didn't matter. It reminds him that they own him and he owns them. It reminds him that he's fallen in far too deep, that the engravings are permanent and never going away.

4. Heaven and Hell - Sirius/Remus/Regulus PG13

The door flung open, almost slamming against the wall, but Regulus stopped it in time. That didn't prevent Sirius from hearing him though and looking up, his movements hesitating a second. Regulus couldn't believe it. He was going off to get his dark mark soon, and his lousy brother was loudly fucking his friend.

It wasn't fair that Sirius could do carefree things like sneak Remus into the house and do sordid things to him while Regulus had larger worries. He was getting the dark mark for fuck's sake!

Sirius raised his eyebrows challengingly and slammed forward into Remus' tight entrance. Regulus couldn't just let him get away with that. He walked forward, Remus finally noticing he was there, his eyes widening from his position on all fours. Regulus thought it looked comical.

But then Sirius sneered at him and jerked his head to the door, silently telling him to leave. Not once did he stop thrusting forward. Regulus really didn't like his brother.

Quickly, before he lost nerve, Regulus launched forward and pressed his lips against Remus' gasping mouth, tongues tussling together. He ran his hand through Sirius' sweat-matted hair and down his arm. He was in heaven.

Eventually he pulled away and stepped back, contemplatively watching them before he apparated away. He had a taste of heaven and now he was going to hell.

5. Together - Neville/Ginny/Luna G

Dear Ginny,
Please meet me at the tree near the lake after supper.
Love, Neville

Meet me at the tree near the lake after supper.

Luna finished by drawling a small heart with the feather quill at the corner of each letter. She picked the wand out of her hair and said a charm, making the letters rise. She stood up from the scat-crusted owlery floor and tied each engraved invitation to a different owl.

Later that day, she hid behind the tree, making sure not to touch it in case any boldurts were festering inside the bark. She happily watched Ginny walk down, the letter in her hands, and look around for Neville, who was walking not too far away from her.

"Do you have one?" Ginny asked, holding Luna's invitation out. Neville nodded in confusion and handed his over to the redhead. "Luna? You can come out."

Luna's wide eyes opened even wider. Ginny was good. "How'd you know?" she asked, moving into view.

Ginny smiled serenely. "I know your handwriting. So what are these about?"

Luna brushed her hair back, her fingers snagging in a knot. She set to work on untangling it and looked at Neville, who was blushing. "Neville likes you so I was setting you two up," she said honestly, the notion to lie never entering her head.

Ginny gazed at Neville. Neville looked anywhere but at them. "I like you too, Neville." Ginny held out her hand for him. His face brightened and he grabbed it eagerly.

Ginny used his hand to pull him forward and whisper in his ear, her eyes never leaving Luna's face. Neville's eyes widened in shock and he looked at Luna humming absently to herself. He nodded and stood straight.

"This was real nice of you to do," Ginny said, walking forward and moving Luna's hand away from the knot in her hair. She untangled it for her. Luna whispered "Thanks," and looked into Neville's face, which was very close, as Ginny had tugged him with when she walked over.

"In fact, we'd like to ask you something, Luna." She waited for Luna to nod before she grabbed the Ravenclaw's hand, Neville's in the other, and asked, "Would you like to join us?"

Luna smiled contentedly; she loved her friends. "I've never been in a romantic relationship."

"Me neither," Neville said shyly, appearing surprised that he had spoke.

Ginny smiled and pulled them down to the lake. "Then we can all learn together."

harry/draco drabble, harry/draco, harry/draco/ron, queerditch, drabble, sirius/remus/regulus, neville/ginny/luna

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