Title:Summertime Findings (6/11)
Rating: PG
Genre: Romance/General
Pairing: Seamus/Dean
Summary: Seamus spends two weeks at Dean's house and they find a few things out.
Disclaimer: Nothing's mine except for Dean's family.
Note: It's only been slightly over a month since my last update. I'm in awe of those authors who update in a week or two. :)
Or read it at my
Chapter 6: Findings
Day 6
Dean woke early that morning because of a crick in his neck. He never should have fallen asleep on the couch, even if it only was for a few hours before his parents woke them and had them go to their rooms.
He rubbed at his neck as his bare feet padded along the hall carpet to the loo. He shut the door behind him, shoved Sam’s bath toys off the toilet, and sat down. He didn’t know how long he could keep it up. How long he could ignore his growing feelings for his best friend. His brother’s boyfriend.
Sighing, he washed his hands and opened the door to leap into the air with a gasp.
“Tim!” Dean glared at him. “What the bloody hell are you doing standing at the door?”
He grinned. “You scare too easily.”
“Oh, shut it.” Dean shoved past but Tim grabbed his forearm, halting him.
“I wanted to talk to you,” he said. Dean held his breath. “About Seamus.”
Dean nodded and reluctantly followed Tim into his bedroom. He had been waiting for this talk since he’d found out Tim knew about the kiss, though he had hoped it wouldn’t come. He perched on the edge of Tim’s bed hesitantly. Once he’d seen Tim flip out at a girl for flirting with his boyfriend at the time. Was he going to be angry? Although, he sure wasn’t as protective about Seamus like with previous partners.
“So…” Dean said into the lengthy silence. It wasn’t that he wanted the conversation to happen, he just didn’t want Tim to sit there any longer, staring at him contemplatively. Dean felt as if Tim could read his thoughts and quickly tried to shut them off.
“Yes, well,” Tim started, shaking his head slightly and grinning. “I know you and Seamus kissed. You know I know you and Seamus kissed. And I know that you know that I know you and Seamus kissed. And now you know that I know that you know that I know you and Seamus kissed.”
Dean blinked. Was Tim trying to confuse him? Were those sentences supposed to be easier to understand than Dean was presently finding them?
Tim plowed on, either not apprehending what he had said or blatantly ignoring it. “So, I figured we should get that out in the open. Now we both know everything and you don’t have to feel guilty….If you do,” he added.
Startled and still trying to work out Tim’s first few sentences, Dean was silent. Then Tim’s last bit floated to his conscience and Dean jolted slightly, stumbling over his words in his hurry to say them as fast as possible.
“I’m sorry about that. I didn’t mean to and - and, well, it was Seamus who kissed me. First. You know…” his voice dwindled off. Silently he berated himself for trying to push all the blame on Seamus. Granted he had initiated the kiss, but Dean hadn’t stopped him.
Tim stood up quickly and spun around, one hand moving up to his face. Dean sat frozen. Was Tim that upset that he couldn’t face him?
“Do you want to date Seamus?” Tim asked, his voice carefully measured. Slowly he refaced Dean. He had a strange look on his face and it appeared as if he were biting his cheeks. Dean didn’t know what to make of it.
“Er…” If he was being frank with himself, yes, he rather did. However, not when Seamus was dating his brother. And he would never admit that to Seamus’ boyfriend. That would be foolish to the point of stupidity. Plus, he hadn’t planned to tell anyone. He was hoping the feelings would go away like any other normal crush.
“Because if you do you can have him. I won’t stop you.” Tim’s forehead creased as he contemplated what had just spewed out of his mouth. It didn’t sound right. “I mean…you can…oh! You know what I mean.”
Dean did but now he was suspicious. Most people didn’t just tell other people that they could ‘have’ their boyfriends.
“‘Why’ what? I’ve seen the way you both look at each other, and I’m being the nice brother and boyfriend. I want to see you both happy,” Tim spoke defensively.
Thoughts raced each other through Dean’s head. Did Seamus actually like him? Did he look at him the way Dean looked at him? Maybe Tim was wrong and mistook friendly glances to mean something more. Then again, Seamus had kissed him…
But he could have been caught up in the moment, Dean thought, successfully squashing any belief that his feelings were returned. He wouldn’t want to get excited over nothing. Plus Dean had a small history of misjudging feelings if the Susan stint said anything.
“Well, er, he’s all yours. You are the one dating him after all.” And he walked out of the room, blinking at his odd choice of words. It wasn’t as if Seamus was someone you could own.
Tim waited until the door closed with a click before he allowed a small smile to grace his lips. The talk hadn’t gone how he wanted it to but surely, it got Dean thinking, or he hoped so. Seamus and Dean were so much alike, denying all the way.
“Dean!” Fran yelled, hurrying over and engulfing him in a hug before he even had moved off the last step. Seamus stood curiously beside him. “I’m leaving now - “
“Aww, really,” Dean protested.
“Yes, yes. You’re too sweet.” She waved her hand at him. “Got to go home, my birds are probably weeping without me, but don’t worry; I’ll be sure to visit again sometime.”
Dean smiled weakly, and Seamus held back a laugh but displayed a grin when Fran pinched Dean’s cheeks with an “I’ve always wanted to do that,” and kissed his forehead.
Seamus was ecstatic. He couldn’t believe she was leaving. It was…the beginning of a wonderful day. Seamus couldn’t hold back a huge grin when Fran walked over to the door. Then she stopped and rushed back to them, fishing for something in her purse.
“Here, Dean,” Fran said, pulling out a slip of paper and thrusting it in Dean’s hand. “I know you said no but her name’s Cara and she’s lovely. Just call her, okay? Give her a chance?” She pouted at Dean’s frown. “For me?”
Dean rolled his eyes and beamed. “Sure.” Fran’s grin was addictive to everyone but Seamus, who she saved a stern glance for. She went to the door to say bye to the rest of the kids, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas waiting at the door.
“Bye! And thanks for the pretty pens!” Marlene called through the door before Angel shut it roughly. “Shesh, what’s your problem?”
“Does she need a problem?” Tim asked. He grunted as he tried restraining Sam from biting him.
Angel stuck her tongue out at them before she stalked off. Seamus watched their exchange with interest but there was a niggling worry in his head. Was Dean really going to call the number?
“Want a drink?” Dean asked. Seamus nodded enthusiastically and followed him into the kitchen where he was satisfied to see Dean toss the number in the trash can.
“You’re not going to call?” Seamus asked, unable to keep a smile off his face. Dean poured them each a cup then sat across him.
The ice clinked on the glass cup as Seamus spun it around with his finger. “She’ll probably find out.”
Dean sighed in fake concern. “Oh, well.”
This was the perfect day. Fran was gone, which meant no more listening about potential dates for Dean. Dean had thrown out that girl’s number. Seamus sighed. This called for a celebration.
“Want to play a game or something?” He gave a huge puppy-dog pout and Dean shook his head at his antics. “Please, please, please!”
Dean opened his mouth to answer, but Tim walked in with Marlene at his heels. Marlene grinned at them and continued putting her hair in a low ponytail.
“Marlene and I are going for ice cream so you two get stuck watching Sam.” He looked at them like they should be privileged. Marlene chuckled. “Angel’s ‘round somewhere. Probably plotting our deaths or something.” He shrugged and went to leave.
“What if we want to come?” Dean asked. Seamus stuck out his lower lip. Tim waved his hand at them and walked out of the kitchen.
Marlene said, “Then we’d have to take Sam with. You have fun here. ” And she too bounded out.
Dean looked at Seamus and rolled his eyes. “Where is Sam?” Dean called after them.
“Living room! Watch it, he’s in his biting stage,” Tim said before the door shut.
After a silence, where they sipped the iced tea, Seamus repeated, “Want to play a game?”
“Fine, games are in the closet in the living room. Up on the shelf.”
Seamus nodded and headed for the closet. This time he wouldn’t allow Sam to scare him. Once he entered the living room he saw it wasn’t a problem as Sam was sitting in the middle of the floor, making a dinosaur attack the red-haired doll Seamus had been forced to purchase at the mall and given to Sam. Sam appeared to like making multiple toys attack it.
“Grrr!” Sam growled before he caught sight of Seamus and tossed to dinosaur at him. He missed catching it and it bounced off his forehead to land at Sam’s feet. Sam giggled while Seamus rubbed his head.
“Ouch!” He ignored the kid and instead opened the closet door. At the bottom of the stack, he saw Life. The game sounded interesting and he liked that the words looked like they were a button so he grabbed it.
“Boo!” Sam yelled, making Seamus jump and hit his head on the wall. Sam laughed and ran off.
“Hehe. Very funny.” But Seamus smiled and tugged at the game. He should have seen that coming. Of course, he also should have realized that pulling the game on the very bottom of a pile without holding the others up would cause them all to tumble down. And tumble they did.
“I’ve got it!” Seamus yelled as cardboard boxes fell, raining multi colored game pieces on his head. He surveyed the damage once it was finished. There were game pieces everywhere.
He sighed and resigned himself to the tedious job of picking everything up.
Dean stood up to help Seamus with whatever he had made fall - hopefully not the games as that would be a pain to put back into the boxes - when a softer thud came from the study. Dean walked through the open door to find Sam sitting in front of a fallen fake tree that their mum had bought recently. Sam liked to play with it so his parents had made a habit of shutting the door.
“Sam, you’re not even supposed to be in here.” He sighed and Sam giggled, moving away from the tree as Dean moved closer. He reached down and picked it up. Then he bent over and collected all the fallen fake grass. He dumped it in the pot and turned around.
Sam was opening the bottom drawers of the desk and tossing the papers everywhere. Dean gasped and grabbed Sam’s hands, pushing him out.
“But it fun!” he wailed, stomping his feet on the carpet. Dean groaned and shut the door in his little brother’s face. He started collecting the papers. They weren’t even supposed to be in the study. It was the one place for his parents where they couldn’t bother them.
Dean decided he was going to make Angel watch Sam while they played the game. There was no way he was going to put up with Sam stealing the pieces.
He stuffed the envelopes and papers in the drawer when one caught his sight. It had looked like the Magical Ministry emblem. Dean’s brow furrowed as he pulled it out and looked. It was definitely from the Ministry. Carefully, he slipped the letter out. This must have been what his mum had received a few days ago and hid from them. He had forgotten about it.
But why would the Ministry of Magic be writing his muggle mum?
Curiously, Dean unfolded the thick parchment and read. The further he got down the letter the more pale his face got. When he finished he had to read it again. Just to be sure. Just to make sure he hadn’t made it up.
There was no way. It couldn’t be. Dean slumped against the desk. His fingers were shaking on the paper. If it was true, why had no one told him? Eventually the fact registered to him that this was written years ago. When he was but a baby. This couldn’t be the letter his mum was sent.
Frantically he riffled through the open drawer until he found another letter from the Ministry tucked in the back corner. His hands shook so badly he could barely open it. The contents of this letter made his hands stop shaking. They froze along with his facial expression.
The only thing that ran through his head was ‘How’ and ‘Why didn’t anyone tell me?’
Seamus looked at the pieces in his hand and the boxes he’d lain out before him. Whom was he kidding? He never heard of most of these games. How was he supposed to know where all the pieces went? And why wasn’t Dean coming to help him? It had to have been at least fifteen minutes by now.
Seamus groaned and walked into the kitchen. But Dean wasn’t there. Seamus frowned and walked over to the bathroom. He knocked and the door flung open, almost whacking Seamus in the face.
“Dean, what the…” But Sam ran out and between Seamus’ legs. “Okay. Sam! Where’s Dean?”
Sam pouted and glared at a shut door not too far away. “Dean mean,” was all he said.
Seamus shrugged and opened the door. “Hey, I knocked over all the games and have no bloody idea where they all go,” he informed Dean, chuckling guiltily afterwards. Then he registered that Dean was sitting against the desk and staring in horror at a paper in his hands.
He walked forward and plopped down in front of the immobile black boy. “What’s wrong?” he asked softly. Dean muttered something and shook the envelope a bit. Seamus reached out and took it, reading over it.
His eyes narrowed in confusion. Who was Adrian Callum? Maybe it was one of Dean’s relatives. But Dean’s family is all muggles so why would the Ministry of Magic be writing a letter saying that they found out he wasn’t missing but had been killed by Death Eaters fourteen years ago?
“Erm…I don’t get it.” Dean didn’t answer straight away, so Seamus touched his wrist. Dean jumped and grabbed another letter off the floor.
“Read this,” he said, his voice expressionless.
Seamus let his fingers trail along Dean’s fingers as he grabbed the letter. It must be terrible to make Dean so ashen-faced. He dropped his gaze from Dean’s face to the letter. His own mouth opened in shock.
It was a letter saying that Bernard and Amber Thomas’ request to have Bernard Thomas listed as Dean’s father on the birth certificate was accepted. It also mentioned that as Dean biological father, Adrian Callum had been missing for a year they wouldn’t need his permission since enough time had passed.
“Dean,” Seamus whispered, dropping the letters to the floor and crawling forward. At the sound of Seamus’ voice, Dean bent forward and let out choked sobs.
Seamus reached out and took Dean’s left hand in his own. He stroked the soft skin there. At a small tug of Dean’s hand Seamus moved forward and let Dean rest his head on Seamus’ chest. The angle was odd, what with Dean being so much taller, but Seamus sat on his legs and ran his fingers through Dean’s short hair. He didn’t know what to say so he said nothing at all.
“Why didn’t they tell me?” Dean said, his voice garbled by tears, making it hard for Seamus to understand.
“I don’t know. Maybe you should talk to them,” Seamus said, pulling Dean closer so he was almost in Seamus’ lap.
Dean rubbed at his tears and laughed bitterly. “I’m going to,” he hiccupped.
Eventually Dean’s tears stopped flowing and his hiccupping ceased. He pulled back and looked into Seamus’ eyes. Seamus felt his heart breaking at Dean’s puffy-eyed look.
“Thanks, Seamus. I know you didn’t,” he tried to stop a heaving breath but it came anyway. “Didn’t come to be stuck with this.”
He looked like he was going to continue so Seamus shushed him. “It’s fine, Dean. I don’t mind.”
Dean smiled brokenly and looked at him oddly. Seamus slid his hand to Dean’s upper arm and squeezed comfortingly.
Suddenly Dean wiped his face with his shirtsleeve then leaned forward and pressed his lips on Seamus’ lightly. Seamus was stunned motionless. Dean pulled back but avoided looking Seamus in the eye. Instead, he fluttered chaste kisses down Seamus’ neck then rested his head on his shoulder.
“Dean?” Seamus asked once his voice returned. However, Dean was breathing evenly. He must have fallen asleep, Seamus guessed. He licked his lips and imagined he could taste Dean.