Wanted: Heroes!

Jul 10, 2008 23:29

Everytime I watch, hear or read the news, the one that stands out is the non-stop price increase of basic commodities. These price increases have caused heated discussions between the government, labor sectors, as well as the business community. Transport groups have also held many strikes just so their voice would be heard regarding this matter.

A few months back, the price of flour increased by about 20% which resulted in some bake shops wanting to implement a 20% increase on the price of their products that required flour as one of its ingredients. It does not take a genius to know that this would not be fair. Flour is not the only ingredient used in making bread. There are other ingredients such as eggs, sugar and many others that have not gone up by 20% so puhleeeeez cut the crap!

On the other hand, we are witnessing heroes from all sectors of society rise to the occasion as if to answer the call, "Wanted: Heroes!".

There are oil companies that immediately lower their prices whenever possible as their way of helping. There are people who organize car pools to minimize oil consumption (also good for the environment and their social life). Others use public transportation not just to save on money which could be used for other needs, but to also help increase the income of the drivers. There are business owners who have sacrificed a percentage of their profit so they would not have to increase the price of their products or services. Lastly, ordinary people who have let go of their overconsumptive lifestyle.

Hurray to all of you and more power!


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price increase, heroes, wanted heroes, business

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