No, you can’t let me go. Even though it’s hard, stay longer.

Mar 28, 2010 21:41

updated: september 19, 2009 my perverted side shows in this latest update. *hides*

This post is made for personal reference anything - to my absolute delight, SuYin fics are making their way over here at LJ.

cheska's list of awesome, beloved suyin fics. ♥
I can ramble on and on and on as to why exactly I adore this ship so much. They're my OTP in KPop. And I know it's not likely that they'll ever be together, but I've never shipped canon ships. Hardly ever. It's like a fandom rule with me (my other OTP's Harry/Luna >_>), so! Leave me be in my world of fantasy, or enjoy the awesomeness avec moi, oui?

SuYin is a lot like Draco/Hermione. A whole lot of the good fics are angsty and end on a depressing note. *sigh* So when I see something light-hearted/fluffy it more than often makes it to my list.

I'm really lame. Everytime I suffer LiYin/SuYin withdrawal (which is pretty much every couple of days ;__;), I click on one (or two) of these fics to make myself feel better, haha, and bring myself hope that LSM will stop being stupid and just promote LiYin properly already.

* = Anything on Soompi/other forums, meaning you'll need an account.
+ = A sequel of another story, which is probably here too.
BNBB! = Brand New BB's! :DD New addition to the post.
♥ = I want to marry it. =/ If you don't read any of these, read this one anyway. YOU MUST.
& = A signal of my rambling 'bout the fic to come.

the real quick stuff.

[you] never let me down by pinupzombie G
“thank you for calling. I was feeling a little lost”
“I know. I’ll call more, I promise - but you can call me too, you know.”
“last time you said I couldn’t anymore”
“last time it was four in the morning and you were whining about an anime character”

A Better Choreographer♥ by roselit PG-13 BNBB!
The music blares from the stereo, an upbeat number that echoes through the spacious practice room, but their movements are much slower, sensuous, as if they’re dancing to a ballad only they can hear.

Doors by deviantpersona PG-13 BNBB!
“You really should start dancing for more than hour, maybe that would get your stamina to strengthen.”

The Hunt/Beatboxing♥ by bechedor79 PG-13
It's just another vocal exercise, he reasons as he fights to control his breath. If his blood weren't rushing not-to-his-brain, he'd realize how silly his thought is.

just a bit longer...

30 Kisses: Jealousy*♥ by jenuinelytrue PG
Then, turning his voice to a higher pitch, Junsu said, “Oh hoobae. I would love to go out with you, but just to let you know, I have very overprotective sunbaes who love me very much and would not hesitate to maim the person who makes me cry.”

&: Oh gosh. *thud* This is actually from a set of one-shots, each pertaining to a theme, but this one stands out in particular. It leaves me grinning like a fool every time I read it. And honestly, this is worth reading just for the interrogation between Junsu and Jonghyun. It's genius.

30 Kisses: Jersey*♥ by jenuinelytrue PG-13 BNBB!
Ruffling his hair, he walked toward the source of the noise.
He stared amusingly at his girlfriend, wearing his missing soccer jersey and kicking the stove.

&: aside from Jealous!Su, I think I also like perverted!Su. xDD

A Pillar of Sun by ritten_ritalin G
And he wonders how he made it through these years without her. And the familiar aching of his body and heart begins again. It isn’t a central feeling. It’s not like the ache they talk about in movies, it’s not the heart ache he finds in Hallmark cards. It is the slow decay of himself, it is the running of cold blood through his veins. It is torture.

A Second Chance At Timeless♥ by myfadingmelody PG
Junsu, no matter how un-sweet his dreams were, was smiling like a child who received a bike for Christmas.

&: This fic is absolutely lovely. It's the same way chances are slim is for me with Harry/Luna - meaning, it's the one fic that makes me tear up because i wish it's true. I want this happy ending for the two of them in real-life, even if it's not with each other and with someone else. They only deserve it, ne?

A Whole Lotte Chocolate♥ by bechedor79 PG-13 BNBB!
A firm believer in the adage that one eats with one's eyes first, Li Yin allowed her gaze to travel across each delicious, neat little package.

April Twenty-Ninth* by evillcookie PG-13
Perhaps it was the intoxicating effects of the alcohol he’d consumed a mere hour before that triggered the magnetism or possibly the sadness in her tired eyes that had much to say. Whatever it was, it was deemed to be imperative.

&: Ok, I admit this fic is flawed in technical aspects, and that whole para about the drug bugged me endlessly, but the end. OMG GUYS THE END. THE END MADE UP FOR ALL OF IT I JUST STOPPED BREATHING AND OMG. LOVE IT. Made the whole thing so redeemable eeee. I'm just in awe with this one, really. It's a somewhat unique plot, and Junsu is so Junsu here I wanted to squish him.

At The Top Of Your Lungs+♥♥♥♥x100000000000000000 by noelliex PG-13
"Saranghae," he murmured. So honest it almost burned.

&: There are no words. Idek. This one and the sequel to it own my SuYin-loving soul. A whole hell of a lot.

Apples* by chasingfivetwo. PG-13
DongBangShinKi’s dolphin - DBSK’s cheerful boy - sulking because of a silly Chinese girl who pronounced Korean like she was a part of a drama.

Confession♥♥! by ritten_ritalin G
But the thing is that he crushed me. I couldn’t move under him. He didn’t mean to, I know. He never meant anything. He never meant to hurt me, to hold me back. The world just works like that.

Desire+ by purplehaze_33 PG-13
"you're breaking my heart, ri in," junsu says, smiling a small bitter smile.

Distance* by kawaki PG
Then you laugh, and I swear another star is being born, somewhere.

Elegy♥ by tokyo_lovelight PG-13
But he had broken his own promise-there was no one to blame but himself. He had made a terrible error in judgment that cost him everything: his life and the woman the loves. He wanted to reverse it all, to turn back the clock and change everything. But Junsu knew that what was done was done, and he could never hope to make things as they once were. She wasn’t his anymore.

Forgiveness/Rainy Night* by angeldan27 PG
Forgive me. I thought over and over. I wanted to the words. Forgive me for loving you like this.

From The Bottom Of Your Heart*+♥♥♥♥x100000000000000000 by pickup.stix PG-13
Yeah, that's right, pry those eyes open and forget for a second that she's everything you ever wanted.

&: Gah. Gah i say. My favorite SuYin fic EVAH (along with its prequel, At The Top Of Your Lungs). I would rec both to EVERYONE. Everyone, SuYin/Kpop fan or not. >_>

Hello and Goodbye by myfadingmelody PG-13
And you suddenly felt as if every time you said hello to his non-existent self you were bidding goodbye to your own.

Love Song*♥ by chasingfivetwo. PG
I shook her hand. Her hands were cold and a little clammy. Nevertheless, she was smiling like she was about to fly and nothing could stop her. She was nervous underneath, but her smile helped her composure.

&: Completely and utterly heartbreaking. My gosh. Captured the essence of their duet and working relationship perfectly.

On 090909; It's Only Jang RiIn and Kim Junsu (prologue)+actual story♥ by choco_yummy PG BNBB!
"You...didn't forget?"
"So...I can't throw Donghae in the cold lake now?"
"Definitely not. Wait...what?"

Streaks Of Copper*♥ by starlit_pinay PG-13
She would count to herself the streaks of copper shooting across like distant stars and galaxies - the dreams she wished would never crumble, the hope she desired would never fall. One by one.

&: This fic. Ugh. Junsu's character is so so great, and akljfasklf historical fiction. The whole lovers-separated-by-war thing is done often, but it never fails to break my heart.

Table For Two♥♥♥♥♥! by bechedor79 PG
Li Yin was pretty sure that if she were ever sane again after this ordeal, she had doomed herself to never being able to find someone who could live up to her imagination.

&: Same author as Cutlass and Katana. This is the cutest fic, and every time I read this I get this nice feeling. xD Another fic I would rec to EVERYONE. I even rec'd this to Sharon, a friend of mine who doesn't understand my Asian obsession, and she loved it.

The Cutlass And The Katana♥♥ by bechedor79 PG
But instead of a stupid ninja in front of me, all I saw was the most beautiful, but surprised, shrine girl I had ever seen. She was bent over, lighting some incense at the far wall, and she had turned her head around to look at me, shocked.
It was the finest booty I’d ever laid eyes on.

&: Comedy at its best. I adore this fic, and the author's writing style. AND DBSK AS PIRATES. How can you not love that?

The Games We Play by kimigasuki PG-13
But in his eyes, that wasn't dancing or at least that wasn't a “just for fun” battle, it was some hard core overly friendly touching.

The Seduction Of Kim Junsu By Jang Liyin*♥ by tianaki PG-13
"YAH!! ALL OF YOU STOP TOUCHING MY GIRLFRIEND!!" Junsu exploded, face completely red from anger.
Liyin’s eyes widened at his sudden outburst, but the other members continued to ignore him.

&: I love me some jealous!Su. AND IT'S NOT ANGST. Makes me happy.

The Sound Made By A Breaking Heart* by tianaki PG
Curled up in a fetal position, her body trembling with the effort from not screaming her head off, she lets the tears fall.
What exactly they are for, she doesn't bother to figure out.

Two Thousand And Sixteen Pages* by maydx93 PG
Ri In hesitated before answering, “I don’t know. That’s all I can do, to give him a page of my notepad. I can’t possibly remember him.”
“How about this? If you find your true love, I’ll help you. I’ll rip him out of your notepad and turn it into a timeless memory for you. That way, he’ll be more than just a page in your notepad.”

Untitled*♥ by plumblossoms PG
Li Yin yelled in clear Korean as she advanced towards him. His heart swelled with pride hearing her speak in his native , but his slow brain finally registered what she said.

jam-packed with the suyin goodness. from short stories to stories that are still in progress...

12:Secrets* by theretroradio PG WIP
“Where are we heading to now?” He noticed that she’d stopped to talk, and made use of that chance to stand beside her. Oddly enough, he felt a sudden gush of masculine pride when he realized she was much smaller than he was.
Go Alpha Male Pride!

&: *ctrl+v's from LJ entry* What I love about this one is Junsu's characterization - it's the cutest thing! Oh my goodness. I have to admit, I'm a bit wary of how the author created such a huge age gap between Li Yin and Junsu, but I... didn't even notice in the first place so I think I can deal with it. It's so humorous, and it's so spot on, especially with Li Yin's characterization, that I just have to keep reading.

A Love To Die For* by byebyebye33 PG-13 WIP
I closed my eyes, trying to savor the moment. I knew that just in two seconds, I’d have to wake back to the reality.

&: OMG *thud* Only an excerpt is up, but goodness gracious if this is not one of the best ones I've read. Had me gasping and catching my breath all over the place.

Always Yours, Jagiya* by ccROAWR R WIP
Kim Junsu was standing behind her, his cheeks red like a tomato’s as his hands were still around her waist. Ri In could see the pile of books that had been dumped beside him: he had probably dropped them to save her from plunging to a horrible death.

&: HOW CAN I POSSIBLY RESIST A GOSSIP GIRL + KPOP COMBO? I cannot. So despite some things that make me go a bit 'eh', I push those aside and set myself on squeeing. Particularly for the SuYin. They are adorable, should just get together already, and not pull a Dan/Serena and break off for good. Fosrs.

Badly Written by pencadence PG-13 BNBB!
Junsu looks over at her and smiles the smile he had often gave her when they were children. It’s been such a long time since she’s seen it, that it takes her breath away.
“I’m listening to how the world sounds when you’re on top.”

But You Are Perfection*♥ by kawaki PG
Because even the best storyteller would never have enough time to tell all the secrets of the human heart. All Junsu could do was dedicate his soul to her. Silently and faithfully. Without complaint.

&: THIS. This fic had me listening to "Daisy" by Alex for one whole month. Not only is SuYin perfect here, but so is Yoochun. This had my heart breaking all over the place, absolutely beautiful.

Granted♥ by kawaki PG-13
Ri In was silent, but Donghae knew that it didn’t necessarily mean that she agreed with him, so he continued, “Aish, long distance courtship is so cute.”

&: The awesome thing about this one is that it follows real-life events/happenings/pictures/incidents quite accurately. I'm almost convinced this is what really happens behind the scenes. =P

Kissing A Fool*♥ by bechedor79 PG-13
Junsu looks back at the team, and then forlornly at Ri In. He visibly resolves himself, however, and says, “I’d love to go to dinner with you tonight. The team can fend for themselves.” And without a second look back, or even a quick goodbye to us, they walk away towards the row of restaurants down the street.

&: OKAY SO THIS FIC IS YUNGI. But oh gosh, SuYin are secondary characters (and is a secondary pairing), and the way they are depicted in this fic is different and absolutely adorable. I was reading this at midnight and started giggling like a maniac at the beginning SuYin parts. The fic in itself is quite brilliant, too - consistent characterization, awesome narrative, and a very likeable heroine. :)

My Best Friend's Boyfriend*♥ by tofupanda PG-13 WIP
Granted I wasn't exactly the perfect best friend but was I so obliviously blind to miss the signs?
Was it because I pulled on her pigtails when she was 6?
Was it because I snuck worms into her ice cream at 8?
Was it because I blasted her face with a water gun at 11?
Was it because I called her a 'flat-chest freak' at 14?
Was it because I stole her first kiss at 17?
Or was it because I fell in love with her at 19?

&: Easy to read, even easier to get into. Quite kickass narratives, and I just love their relationship here. :)

Obscure Light* by SleepiiDreamer PG-13
"...You were just so obscure. I thought that I‘ve known you. I‘ve thought that I‘ve gotten you-I mean, us-down packed. I was so sure, but it turned out that I knew nothing. I‘ve never known anything."

Perilous Connections* by endlessdeath R WIP
“You really are something Miss Jang Ri In…”
“I’ll really think about it.” She swore with a reassuring smile.

&: I love the chapter titles, ah. Shallowness aside, this story has a lot of potential. Grammar/spelling mistake here and there, but nothing too distracting. This is a dark fic - corruption is amok, and well, Junsu's an utter ass. But that's okay, you know, because he's characterized rather well, and Changmin's his brother, which is pretty kickass. The whole evil!Junsu character is overdone in SuYin fics, but in here it doesn't feel... trite? I can't even explain it. I think I just really like the author's writing style. The potential's just - ahhh. I am excited to see how she'll handle the SuYin, it'll be great, I can feel it.

Playing Cupid♥ by tokyo_lovelight PG WIP
Trust me, you don’t want to die! Think about all the things you’ll miss out on! All the girls! The food! Don’t you want to get married, have children? What about parents, and friends!? WHAT ABOUT BOOBS!?

&: Romcom with a dash of death and Heechul. This one will be a favorite. Taeyeon's a main character and I'm loving her too, which is another plus (she's Junsu's twin sister in this). :P

Stargaze by bechedor79♥ PG-13 WIP
And isn’t that the difference between the Greek pantheon and the celebrities of today? The former were created to have their own foibles, with such flaws as envy and pettiness, while the latter exist as paragons, placed perhaps artificially on pedestals.

&: I'M A FAN, CAN YOU TELL? This one has SuYin + Greek mythology - what's not to love? It has a lot of real-life elements in it as well. The best part about this has to be the conflict, actually! It's heart-breaking and so understandable at the same time, if that even makes sense. Needless to say I am eager to see how this ends. x)

The Simplest Gift From God* by Nonchalant. PG-13 WIP
“All I know is, I’ve come to accept t-that you’ve become a significant part of my life.”

&: It's not perfect, but honestly, there's something so innocently sweet about it, and it makes me feel all fluffy and warm inside. I love their friendship here - it really makes the whole thing a good read.

This Life Of Mine by morninglory17 R WIP BNBB!
How dare he pretend we can put a Band-Aid on these wounds? On my wounds?

timeless (aka yes, li yin can sing this song, but it just so happens that there's never good coverage of when she does): i ii (ii.v) iii

important: suyin fics, !sticky

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