I shall not commit violence... (it is not a healthy coping mechanism.)

Jan 03, 2012 22:18

Ohmygod, I don't even...


So, real life FINALLY stops being demanding and busy long enough for me to maybe get some writing done, and what happens?

I stare at a blank document for three. freaking. hours. No joke. I'm going to go insane. I have all these ideas but I can't make them work and it's driving me utterly batty. Well, honestly, it ( Read more... )

writer's block blows, venting, status: going nowhere fast, i should be asleep., rambling

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hey there! :) confetticas January 4 2012, 07:45:44 UTC
Thank you bunches for the awesome compliment (even if I can't quite convince myself of it, it's really great to know that someone else thinks so!) as well as for the empathy! As terrible as it is, it's nice to know that I'm not alone! (And now I feel horrible because I don't want anyone else to be this frustrated, it really sucks!)

These days it sorta feels like I've been writing nothing BUT stupid little somethings, but then, I have been known to be overly critical of myself, so it might all be in my head, ha. I have ideas for like five verses OTHER than the two I've already got started (I promised myself I wouldn't write them until I'd made at least some progress on my current ones). I think you're probably right, though, I just have to write my way through it to get to a flash of inspiration.

It would be really awesome to have someone to bounce ideas off of (sometimes I try to talk to my sisters and they just give me Looks like, 'how are we even related?'), so I think I might just take you up on that!

As for sleep, it should hopefully come soon, barring possible fanfic addiction (sometimes it's just too good to stop and go to bed at a decent hour, right? lol).

Thank you again for the compliment, advice and empathy! It's so very much appreciated and pretty much exactly what I needed to hear -- I just can't seem to talk myself down from tearing my hair out thinking I'll never write anything worth reading ever again, lol.

***And also, can I please have that dream to keep forever and ever? Ohmygod, that'd be a hell of a nice thing to dream about... then again, I might never wake up! ;)


Re: hey there! :) nileflood January 4 2012, 08:16:36 UTC
Oh I certainly know how you feel about that- bellacatbee" and I write a huge amount of stuff that we start and get a long way into and then just don't finish. Or that we leave for 3 months and then come back to and change completely. I've got a couple of AUs in my head and started little fics for them but not done much else which is really really bad of me. But that's just how writing is!

And I'd love to hear your ideas! Don't hesitate if you want to send something over- I'm online far more than I should be too. There never is enough Sabriel smut for my tastes though. Although I'm not often on later into the night- I get up stupidly early instead! Which I guess is just as bad?

* You know you can lovely! But do wake up because I expect you to tell me alllllll about it. Especially the porny bits :p but feel free to enjoy my addiction to Americana. Did I meantio it was all set in the 50's? Yum!


Re: hey there! :) confetticas January 4 2012, 08:32:13 UTC
Sweet, you will probably be hearing from me in the next few days! (I gave up on writing for the night when my head started pounding and my head!Gabriel declared that he was done waiting on me and took my head!Sam off for fun sexytimes where I wouldn't be able to see (Oh, god, I need sleep...))

Enough Sabriel smut?! Never, ever, in a million years! Not even if... Okay, I can't think of anything, but you're totally right, there will never be enough!

I used to get up early instead of staying up late, too, but then I discovered that sometimes at night, the house gets quiet enough for me to hear my own thoughts, so I switched over, lol.

(Oh, god, my head!Michael just popped in to say that he's had enough of being a side character... I think I see cage!fic in my future... hmm, romantic cage!fic? That could be a whole lotta fun... oh, but poor Adam, that'd probably be worse than the torture... unless he joined in, hmm? (My muse should not ever be left alone unsupervised.))

**Oh, it's in the 50's, hmm? It is DEFINITELY time for me to go have this dream. I think I'll wrap it up in a blanket and keep it close forever, too. :D And yes, I'll definitely have to wake up so that you can share in the lovely!


Re: hey there! :) nileflood January 4 2012, 12:18:37 UTC
Awesome, I'd really like that! And don't worry, this morning I had my head!Gabriel singing the muppets "Mahna Mahna" at me. Funny but annoying. He jumps my head!Sam constantly too, poor thing. Often while I'm in meetings or halfway though a call with my nan.


Oh, I know! There wouldn't even be enough Sabriel poor in the world if every single google search was mojo'd into porn. Seriously.

You know, I've never read any cage!fic so that would be sorta cool. :) I want to write something about Nick and Luci too for that matter, I love them.

* oh yes, you must teeeeeell me! Otherwise it's not fair! And if you felt like writing a one shot *wriggles eyebrows suggestively* you know what I like!


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