I shall not commit violence... (it is not a healthy coping mechanism.)

Jan 03, 2012 22:18

Ohmygod, I don't even...


So, real life FINALLY stops being demanding and busy long enough for me to maybe get some writing done, and what happens?

I stare at a blank document for three. freaking. hours. No joke. I'm going to go insane. I have all these ideas but I can't make them work and it's driving me utterly batty. Well, honestly, it seems that I can write things that aren't part of either of my ongoing verses, but they suck and aren't really fit for posting at all. I don't know, but it's making me crazy. Crazier, that is. Oh, whatever... Sigh.

Maybe if I stop focusing so hard on Voice of Rage and Ruin and my Trickster!Sam verse, but I don't want to start something else when those are both so far from being completed. Unless it's a standalone, but I'm not very good at that, I never know when to stop.

I just want to write something and finish it, which wasn't a problem until I started PT and the holidays kicked into gear, but apparently, I can't do it anymore. I've tried prompts (which sort of worked, until I reread them and realized they were nothing but plotless rambling) and free writing to get everything out of my head and make coherence easier, but...

I think maybe I need to stop trying so hard, and to possibly let go of my ridiculously high expectations for awhile, but... I dunno. This whole post is sort of whiny, isn't it?

Okay. I'm going to go give it another shot and then maybe, hopefully, get some sleep when that inevitably fails. On the bright side, there's plenty for me to read (more than I think I can manage, lol, this fandom is prolific and awesome like crazy) while I can't seem to write.

Flist, I sincerely apologize for this completely fic-less venting post, I just really, really needed to rant. I feel slightly better now that I've vented. Maybe... 

writer's block blows, venting, status: going nowhere fast, i should be asleep., rambling

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