
Nov 30, 2011 23:16

So, unfortunately, I haven't yet managed to write anything I'm even a little close to willing to post, but I have to share my wonderful, beautiful, amazing news with my new, awesome livejournal friends... :D

As of about 1:30 this afternoon, I own all six seasons so far on DVD. I've had 2&3 for a long time and pre-ordered Season 5 months before it came out, but I've been broke as hell for a long time and unable to buy the other three. When I saw the link in spnnewsletter about the Amazon sale, I sent my Mom an email complaining that every penny I had was necessary for Christmas presents and she, apparently, read it to my Uncle... who promptly sent her the money to buy season 1, 4 and 6 for me as an (early) Christmas present.

My Dad and oldest sister got a good laugh out of how quickly 'the cripple' (I love my family...) managed to get to the door today when they got here. Now I just have to wait for there to be no kids in the house so I can watch it in the living room, or talk my Mom into letting me use her TV... Tomorrow can't come soon enough!

I'm on top of the world happy right now! :)

real life: good things do happen, supernatural makes me unreasonably happy, real life, rambling, fandom: supernatural, status: absolutely fucking awesome

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