Ficlet for legendland

Mar 30, 2015 23:08

Ficlet for legendland's "Prompts have it" challenge.


Title: Granite Waterfall
Word Count: ~740
Rating: PG-15 for implied naughtiness
Characters: Kahlan, Richard, (mentions of) Cara and Zedd
Warnings: None, just shameless fluff!
Disclaimer: I don't own Legend of the Seeker or the Sword of Truth. This was written in good fun and no intention of infringement is intended.

This isn't beta-ed so all mistakes are my own.

The Story:

She closed her eyes for a moment concentrating on her surroundings.
The deep hum of the waterfall, the splashing of the water against the rocks near her, the birds singing in the background, the soft beating of her heart. Kahlan breathed in and let it out slowly enjoying the warmth of the sun against her wet skin and the few cool drops that reached her face every so often.

She wanted to get rid of her underskirt and corset but decency and all those years of training screamed at her leaving them on. But she still thought that lying on those warm granite slabs naked would be a great idea.

Richard popped in her mind from earlier on that day when they were discussing their course through the forest and the short stop at the Granite Waterfall named after the stones it crushed onto.
It wasn’t his words that she kept thinking now but more about his figure and mannerisms. She was studying the image of him in her mind's eye; how his chest rose and fell, his strong arms flexing and relaxing as he was fiddling with a piece of wood in his hands... those hands... she wished she could trail kisses all the way up to his lips.
Kahlan smiled without opening her eyes.
The memory of their kisses deep, passionate, honest, stayed with her.

Some time ago, it felt as if it had been ages now, she knew she couldn’t risk those or her power would become unleashed. Now that they knew that she couldn’t harm him, it felt like her magic bubbled giddily on her skin, free of its restraint but never focusing on the other person. Richard could not have loved her more even if he was confessed...

She let out a long sigh as gratefulness washed over her.
It was her greatest fear since she realized what the repercussions of her power were in terms her falling in love with someone and the moment she would have to take a mate. These would be two different moments and she was most certain would be about two completely different people.

She heard steps approaching, a friendly and well-known gait but she nevertheless asked calmly: “Richard?”
The person kneeled beside her and, just before she opened her eyes, Richard replied quietly and leaned in to kiss her on her forehead between the eyebrows.
She giggled softly.
He continued to her cheek and finally her awaiting lips as his hand reached out to support her chin brushing her neck.
It might have been seconds, it might have been hours, Kahlan didn’t care. She was lost in the moment.
Breaking to breathe, she couldn’t help but ask:
“Do we need to go already? I thought we’d have a little more time.”

Her eyes looking into the Seeker’s that were only mere inches away.

“No, that’s what I came to tell you. We are going to have some privacy” the glint in his eyes only equal to his voice’s mischief.

Surprising him, Kahlan sat up, urgency and seriousness lining her voice.
“How long do we have?”

A shameless grin formed on Richard’s face reaching his eyes and ears.
“Until sundown. It’s going to be a while before Zedd and Cara return.”

Before the thought was even complete in her mind, her lips found Richard’s. They hadn’t been able to get any time together in recent weeks and bottled up emotions were quietly sizzling under the surface.

Richard shifted in front of Kahlan.
What exactly had just transpired before he summarily hit the water, only registered after he cooled down for a moment.
As he was about to settled, Kahlan pushed him in the water giggling, just as she kept doing now.

He tried to glare at her as if he was annoyed but he found himself unable to.
Laughing, he reached quickly grabbing her skirt which Kahlan stepped out of swiftly leaving him hanging on to it.
In one leap Richard covered the distance, gripped Kahlan’s wrists, pulled her over his shoulder and carried her back into the lake.

Giggles, splashes, kisses and moans were absorbed into the softer booming of the waterfall as the cold water seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the couple.

The Confessor’s power unleashed made Kahlan feel all bubbly and blissful as she could feel, see and hear Richard, the true and kind person, the current Seeker who had accepted her willfully and wholeheartedly to be the love of his life.

tv: legend of the seeker, fanfic: ficlet, landcomm: legendland, character (legend of the seeker): kahlan, character (legend of the seeker): richar, character (legend of the seeker): cara

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