Aug 24, 2006 02:16
5 hours untill I see his gorgeous eyes..
I wanted to text him last nite to show me his new car.. but I didn't because I didn't think he'd have time.. so he calls me like his usual.. and told me to go outside... and he was there : D He's the bestest.. (i kinda knew he'd show up) So i'm very ecstatic he got a car!.. I didn't want to let him go.. but he came over this morning and there's nothing better than waking up to him.. which I will again today! We took the sweetest nap today before I had to go to work.. I can never stop thinking about him..
Apparently he told his mother about me tonite : X she said she wants to meet me : S I'm kinda nervous.. well acutally no I'm not lol.. But he told her that i'm amazing and I have the sexiest hair haha.. I think that's the only reason he's with/seeing me.. I almost asked him to be my boyfriend last nite.. but I didn't.. I held back.. I put a picture of him up at work on my desk and all the ladies are like WoOoZers! (mind you they're 50-70 year olds haha.. they think he looks like a rockstar ; ) How great is that.. he is my rockstar..
SO work is utterly shitty right now.. to sum it up I went to Barnes and Noble today.. bought two fitness magazines and a word search.. yep.. zero work for the CS right now... apparently everyone's doing everything correctly.. which means korrie sits on her ass and gets mucho grande fer nothing! How sweet.. 3rd shift soon.. I can't wait.. I'll never wake up alone..