The scuttlebutt on my street

Jun 10, 2006 12:14

Today is going to be action-packed and fun-filled. On the agenda: clean the house, put a few hours into work-related project, watch a couple flicks, work on LARP stuff, kiss the wife, and kiss the baby. We did pretty well to keep the apartment mostly clean while we had friends and family staying with us, so we’re actually almost done. I’m very pleased with this and thankful to everyone for putting in the effort to help keep it manageable.

I would like to thank everyone for coming and celebrating the baptism with us. I’d also like to thank a bunch of people for sending us email, cards, LJ notes, etc. with best wishes and such, since they weren’t able to make it. The Mass was two hours long, which I did not expect, but I very much enjoyed it. My face hurt a little when it was over, because I was smiling so much. I’m still on a bit of a high about the whole thing.

We went to America, a restaurant in Union Station, after church. If you have not been there, I recommend it. It’s not a bad price for pretty good food. All of the dishes are listed with an area in the US where the dish is either from or most notably known to be good. And anvilchorus will be happy to know that Georgia is recognized as the official home of pulled pork.

My work load is a bit overwhelming right now, but I’m almost at the point that it will level out. I think I’m going to shoot for 55-60 hours next week to get a solid stance, and then I should be able to float, pretty much on schedule, for a month. Things get crazy again in August, which is why we had to cancel our vacation. *grumble* It should lighten up again at the end of August, but plastictao is looking at going back to work then, so we’ll see. Everything will undoubtedly change at that point, and we’ll have to readjust it all. We could certainly use to have a second income for a while, so this will be good.

The grad school endeavor is on hold for at least a year, maybe two. We’re pretty frustrated about the circumstances, but it is what it is, so we’re moving on. Right now, I think we’re pretty much just shooting for it being taken care of by the time that asherbean is five or so. We’d prefer to be a one income family and home-school, especially while we’re living in the DC area. So long as we keep that goal in mind, we have a lot of room to play for the time being.

I’ve been invited to ST the DC Requiem game, Cracks in the Marble. I am incredibly excited about it and can’t wait to get into it up to my elbows. For now, I’m franticly trying to catch up on the mostly-the-same but somewhat-different World of Darkness setting. There are a couple places where I think that the WW write up is terribly short-sighted and underdeveloped (no surprises there), but by and large, I am finding this new system to be super-fantastic. I don’t know that I like it better than Masquerade, but I do like it. Now, it is just a matter of forging it into something better and worthwhile.

That’s it for now. Cheers!
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