Stop The World

Dec 05, 2011 17:15

Title: Stop The World
Chapter: 1
Characters: Richard, Kahlan, Zedd, Cara, Others (Originals)
Rating: NC17/R
Timeline: During season 2
Summary: After waking up in an unfamiliar place, Richard must fight to save not only himself, but the life and honor of the Mother Confessor, facing a bigger challenge than he ever imagined.
Paring: Kahlan/Richard; Richard/Other; Kahlan/Other
Story Type: Drama/Romance
Word Count: 3,079
Disclaimer: I own NOTHING. I simply play with them as toys. *Evil Laughter* 
  Author's Note:   HUGE thanks to @StinaJane and @ConfessedByBR for being awesome BETAs!! *hugs*
Comments are awesome folks!
Opening his eyes, he jumped at the sight of his new surroundings. He was in a stone room with no windows, no furniture and only one door. His eyes fell upon her almost instantly, the small square room making it difficult to miss the only other thing in the room. Kahlan was sitting across from him, beside the door with her knees pulled up to her chest. She didn't move as he sat up, it appeared as though she didn't know he was awake yet.

"Kahlan?" he whispered.

"You've been asleep for five days," she whispered. She stared at the cold, stone of the floor, her eyes red from crying.

Coming to his knees, he crawled toward her at last seeing the damage done to her dress and face. She had been beaten, he was sure of it and from the look of her dress and the Rada'Han around her neck; he knew they had done more. Her eyes remained locked on the floor, tears slowly leaking onto her cheeks as he came closer. "Spirits." Lifting her chin, he inspected the wounds. "Kahlan, look at me."

"You were asleep," she repeated again, just as softly as before.

"Look at me." Bringing her eyes to his, she stared blankly almost as though she didn't know who he was. "Are you all right?"

"They want to talk to you."

Wiping some of the blood from her cheek, he sighed. "Is that what they did to you?"

She looked away and said, "I didn't know the answers."

"What happened to us?"

"I don't know. The last thing I remember before this was waking you for your watch."

He sat down before her and grabbed her hands. He was supposed to protect her, keep her safe while she slept, but he had failed. "I'm so sorry, Kahlan."

She reached out, gently resting her left hand on his cheek. "I thought I had lost you."

The door creaked as it opened, giving Richard enough warning to push her behind him. The man who entered grinned widely at the sight. He was tall, from where Richard sat; he was almost twice his size. He had long, dark hair, tied back to keep it from getting in his way. There was blood on his white robes and there was no doubt that it was Kahlan's. He crossed his arms and stepped into the room, watching the Seeker carefully.

"I was beginning to believe that you weren't going to wake up. It would have been a shame to have you die without learning what we wanted to know." His voice was deep, echoing throughout their cell. "Your Confessor has been fun, but I can only play for a short while."

Kahlan held onto Richard's arms, keeping him in place as he attempted to attack the other man. "Don't."

"You should heed her warning. She learned quickly. It's painful, isn't it?" he asked her with a smile. "You see, there are no chains in this room, the door is unlocked and here she is waiting for me to return for more."

He looked back to her in confusion. "What is he talking about? You didn't try to escape?"

"She did try, many times. She managed to drag your body almost out of the room before she collapsed in pain. She may have made it, but she couldn't leave you here." Lifting his hand, he motioned to the door. "I've spelled the entire dungeon. Once you walk through this door, your blood begins to boil and that's just the beginning," he said as he turned around and walked to where Richard had been laying before. "Nine times. I thought she would have given up before then or at least left you and ran through the door, but she didn't." He was laughing, thrilled by the success of his trap.

"She dragged you halfway down the hallway; farther than anyone has ever gone. The more times she tried, the worse it got. She wouldn't have made it through another attempt. After a few tries, she attacked me and found herself in the same fate."

"What do you want from us?"

"You," he corrected. "The Confessor has nothing we can use."

Standing, Richard stepped toward the other man. "Then you will release her."

"I cannot. She is in love with you and if I were to free her, she would return with help. You will both remain here." Looking through the door, the man smiled again. "Take him; I'm going to speak with the Mother Confessor."

He cried out for her as they pulled him away, the look on her face told him exactly what was going to happen. He struggled against the men who held him, trying to get to her until she looked at him and shook her head. His body then went limp in their arms and allowed them to drag him from the room. The door closed and he cried out her name one last time, hoping she heard him. He was going to get her out of this and no one would ever hurt her again.


He blinked, but when he opened his eyes he was lying down with someone on top of him and he was naked. His vision was more than blurry and the brightness of the room around him made it difficult to keep his eyes open to adjust. His head pounded as though he had taken a beating and he knew he had lost more time. How long had he been unconscious and what had Kahlan been going through? Lifting his hands, he touched the person above him in an attempt to figure out who it was.


"She's busy," the woman above him whispered, brushing her lips against his chin. "I'm here; I am to be your reward."

"Get off of me." His voice was filled with panic, unsure as to what was happening.

"Not until you have claimed your reward."

Turning his head, he tried to move his mouth as far away from hers as possible. The feel of her lips against his skin made him sick. "Reward for what?"

"You gave Sam everything he wanted." She moaned, pushing herself harder against him, the warmth between her legs giving away her desire. "It's an honor to be with a man like you. I've never been with a better looking man, one so large."

"I wish that I could say the same," he said quietly, his mind racing to find a way out; to Kahlan.

"I assure you, I am pleasing to your eyes. You will see soon enough." Her voice was throaty, her control on her arousal failing with each moment.

"It doesn't matter how you look, you're not Kahlan."

She licked his neck, slowly. "You can never have her..."

"No, but I don't want anyone else," he whispered, his sight slowly returning to normal. "Get off of me."

If the hard, cold tone of his voice frightened her, she showed no signs as she continued running her hands over him, trying to get a reaction from him. "I can't, I am bound to you until your release. Your body will want me soon enough."

He looked at her, at last seeing what lay above him. She was young, years younger than him and she had blonde hair. It was cut short and it spiked out in certain areas, making the green of her eyes stand out. "I will never want you."

"A man cannot keep his desire to himself." Sitting up above him, she revealed her naked body to him with a smile. "She doesn't have to know."

He looked away, not wanting to look upon her. "I don't want you."

She ran her hands over his chest, trying to please him, but it only made it worse. He pushed forward, knocking her off of him and onto the floor. Her body began to shake uncontrollably as she screamed out in horrific pain. Richard pulled her back on top of him as her skin turned red, parts of it appearing to be boiling. Once she was above him, it stopped instantly and she began gasping for air.

Sucking in large gulps of air, she tried to regain herself. "I told you, I am bound to you until your release."

"I will have no release with you."

She ran her hands over his chest again, slower than before as she rocked against him. "You feel my desire, let yours free..."

He grabbed her waist and held her still. "I have no desire for anyone but Kahlan."

With a heavy sigh, she arched her back and leaned backward and shook her head. Her hair grew instantly and changed color, matching Kahlan's perfectly. Her body changed before him, reshaping to match the Confessor's as well. When she sat straight again, his body responded. "Take her." Her voice was the same soft, beautiful ring as the woman he loved, frightening him.

"You're not Kahlan," he whispered breathlessly. He found it hard to look away, his body now craving the one above him.

"You will know no difference. You hardened the moment you saw this body. You desire this, more than anything. I am giving it to you."

Bringing his eyes to hers, he stared into the now blue, ocean eyes that belonged to the woman he loved. "It's not yours to give."

"How can you care so much for a Confessor? You can never be with her, except for now." She moved over him slowly, pressing her chest against his and watching in delight as he closed his eyes and parted his lips.

His desire and need for her was pressed against her stomach, there was no denying his arousal. "How will he know?"

"He always knows."

"I can't."

Grabbing his hands, she lifted them over his head and held them firmly. "You don't have a choice. Your precious Confessor will never know."

She shifted above him, making him moan loudly. "I will."

Bringing her lips to his ear, she traced her tongue over it. "You've wanted me for a while, wanted to feel yourself within me as I called out your name. You've already imagined my nails pushing into your skin, my lips moving with yours as I wrapped my legs around you and pull you in deeper..."

He was panting, his heart racing as he imagined her words. "Kahlan..."

Releasing his arms, she began kissing his neck, making her way to his lips as she reached for him. He stopped her hand and tried to focus his mind. Opening his eyes, he met hers. "I love you, Richard."

Pulling her to him, he kissed her passionately with everything he had within him. The moan that escaped him as he slid within her warmth, echoed throughout the stone room. It was loud; it mixed with hers and something else. He opened his eyes as he stopped kissing her looking around the room for the other sound, but there was nothing. She continued to rock against him, ignoring his protests as she continued her own pleasure.

"Stop," he whispered, trying to hold her still.

She brought her lips to his with a low moan. "You can make this end right now."

Kissing him, she brought one of his hands to her breasts and rocked roughly against him. She panted his name in Kahlan's voice, filling his mind with her alone, making it impossible for him to think of stopping. He leaned his head back and squeezed his eyes shut, focusing only on the woman in his mind. Her touch was different; her kiss was nothing like Kahlan's and he could feel the difference fully. He was betraying her and he couldn't help the feeling that somehow, she knew. The moment of his release, he pushed her away and sat forward. There was no pain.

He jumped as the door opened and Sam walked inside with a smile. "I have to admit, I didn't think that you would fight it. And not only did you fight it, your body couldn't respond to another." He bent down and lifted the naked woman from the floor by the arm as she changed her appearance once again. "Personally, I prefer this one." He looked over to the wall on his right and smiled. "What do you think?" Richard was confused. There was no one else in the room, but as the other man walked around him, he saw her. Kahlan was sitting against the wall, staring at him in tears. "What do you think?" She looked to the other woman who stood at the man’s side, naked. She was running her hand over his chest as she looked to Richard. "You will answer me." Sam said coldly.

"She is beautiful."

He nodded and turned around, pushing the other woman onto the Seeker. "He doesn't appear to agree. She had to look like you for him to become a man. The sight of you alone hardens him, even knowing he can never have you." He lifted her by the shoulders, keeping her back against the wall. "With this metal, you are harmless and I will-"

"Get away from her," Richard growled, attempting to stand up. The other woman held him tightly, making him lift her as well as he moved toward Sam. "Don-"

"You had your pleasure; it's only fair that she experience the same." His free hand slid over her stomach as he looked at Richard. Kahlan turned her head away and closed her eyes; her arms limp at her sides. "She watched you have your way with another woman, the least you can do is-"

Richard threw himself at him, ignoring the piercing pain that shot through his body. He slammed his fists into his face, trying to bring him as much pain as he could before he passed out from his own pain. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him to the wall for safety. Using her own body as a shield, she raised her hands in defense of the man she loved.

"He didn't mean to-"

"How can you defend him? You watched him take another woman and empty himself within her." He laughed, sitting up and moving to his feet. "We can show him how it felt. Let him watch us."

"No," she said in a soft whisper.

Grabbing her arms, he pulled her on top of him. "You are beautiful." His hands ran over her stomach and chest as he shifted his hips beneath her. "Show him how it felt."


"I do not need your permission. You cannot hurt me; I can simply take you."

Leaning down, she brought her face close to his and smiled. "You touch me and he will remove your head with his own hands."

"You have so much faith in the man who betrayed you. I could take you now, he can't move and by the time he can, I will have had you more times than his eyes could handle."

Shaking her head, she pushed her hand against his throat and pushed. "You underestimate the Seeker."

"Of course," he laughed. Kahlan moved off of him and slowly backed up to Richard, who watched her carefully. "I suppose I should test this theory of yours."

He moved quickly, grabbing her dress and ripping it open before she had even known he moved. Richard struggled to move, trying to force his body to move as her cry echoed through the room. Sam ran his hands over her, smiling as she struggled against him. His eyes shifted to the Seeker every few seconds, wanting to see his face as he watched. She brought her knee up quickly, slamming it between his legs as hard as she could.

A cry of pain escaped her as well, though it didn't keep her from crawling to the other side of the room. The other woman laughed at the sight, knowing what her master would do now that she had fought back. If she had remained still, pretended that it didn't bother her, he would have lost all interest, but now he had to have her. Standing, he grinned widely and began walking toward her. He unlaced his pants as his eyes locked on hers, making sure that she knew what he was planning to do. He enjoyed each moment of fear as he took another step closer.

The thin, cotton dress she was wearing was split open down the middle, exposing her almost completely as she pushed her back against the wall. Richard didn't know when she had changed. Her eyes were wide, red from the pain that was clearly still running through her. Pushing her shoulders back, she lifted her head and waited. He was inches from her when his pants fell to the ground and he gave a soft laugh. Pushing himself against her, he held her against the wall, keeping her from being able to move away from him.

"You've asked for it, Confessor."

He grabbed her breast with one hand as he reached for himself with his other. The room was dead quiet, the silence screaming in a way that made her go deaf. The world around her slowed and she caught a glimpse of something moving toward them. She stared over the man's shoulder, watching as Richard rushed across the room in a run. Sam didn't have a moment to think before he felt hands take hold of his neck and squeeze. There was a soft snap that echoed for an instant before Kahlan fell into his arms.

He struggled to hold her as he dropped to his knees, both ignoring the shrieking cry of the other woman. Hugging her close, he inched them away from the man's unmoving body. He wasn't sure that he was dead. There was only a moment of pain when he grabbed the man's neck and he feared that it could not be so easy. She had her face pressed into his chest, trying to hide her tears as she clung to him. Her fingers dug into the back of his shoulders, trying to pull him as close as possible.

Her body shook in his arms; he knew it wasn't from the cold. "We have to get out of here." She didn't move. "Kahlan?"

There was a long silence. He began to fear that something was wrong when, at last, she spoke. "I don't think I can move yet."

Tightening his arms around her, he sighed. "All right."

Chapter 2 COMING SOON!

romance, drama, richard cypher, zedd, legend of the seeker, adventure, fanfiction, angst, richard, pairing: richard/kahlan, fan fiction, hurt, comfort, richard and kahlan, fan-fiction, cara, nc17, kahlan, fan-fic, suspense, r, tragedy, kahlan amnell

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